>From: "Sunila Muzawar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>Jawaharlal Nehru contested in North Goa, he would have been rejected for
>>being Brahmin and in South Goa for being Hindu. (Ravindra Kelekar in NT)
>Even with caste and religion being so predominant at election time, Goa is
>considered harmonius with people living happily with each other 
>of caste, & religion. So what is the key reason for this ? Me thinks it is
>primarily due to being treated equally (even though there is gender bias
>;-() by law since we have a uniform civil code?
>Another reason could be the docility imposed by the longer colonial rule
>which Goa experienced as compared to the rest of India. Any further ideas,
>thoughts ?

Surprisingly, one sees more inter-religion bickering and inflammatory
writings on Goanet, than in the real Goa! Goans in Goa, get on with
their lives, oblivious of the 'wars of words' that are being fought on
this forum! I have a feeling that more enemies have been created on
Goanet than in real life, in Goa!! The docility among Goans, as
mentioned by Sunila, might have to do with the fact that all ethnic
Goans originated from the same roots and the Catholic religion
the dreaded caste system from the Hindu religion. They lived in harmony
prior to the conversions in the 15th century and will hopefully continue
to do so in the future. Of course, there is lot of intercaste rivalry
in the rest of India, but Goans are a special breed and am sure will
continue to live in peace and harmony!


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