>From the current events going on in Goa, it looks that many of the defectors 
are getting the same party tickets from where earlier they defected  to 
contest the coming election.  Other defectors who are denied party tickets 
are going to contest the election as independent.  The Circular issued by 
the Church on this subject is very relevant and it is now left to the 
individual priests in their localities to use this Circular to campaign hard 
from the pulpit (as Martin Luther Jr. did in USA to eradicate apartheid) to 
educate the voters to vote for the right candidates. While using the Church 
forum openly to educate the voters the priests should be very vocal so that 
their voice is heard not only by the Catholics but also by others, such a 
powerful capacity priests should show. Every political party will harp on 
its sincerity. Every political party when it came into existence it came 
with a slogan to give clean politics but later on every party turned out to 
be a traitor.  Even in future it may be the same case.  For this reason 
Church has provided a very good opportunity for its priests to raise their 
voice against corrupt politicial life in Goa. While talking of Church 
campaing, will the entire Church in Goa follow the instruction of the Church 
Authority?  I doubt.  The Goa Church is polluted with some non-Goan elements 
in the form of non-Goan priests who are mainly affiliated to the 
congregation other than our Diocesan authority,  these congregations are 
mushrooming in Goa and they have their own ulterior movives.  Many of the 
priests belonging to these congrations have no love for Goan culture, Goan 
tradition, Goan history and Goan way of life.  In fact many of the priests 
belonging to these congregations are anti-Goans.  I am afraid they might use 
their priestly robes to misguide the Goan voters.  Some of these 
congregations are inhaling Goan air for their survival but implant as heads 
and other office bearers of their congregations in Goa non-Goan priests who 
I feel will never do justice to the cause of Goa, instead they will do 
injustice to Goan cause.  Patriotic Goans should be very careful of non-Goan 
priests and non-Goan Nuns, many of them are all out to destroy the fabrics 
of clean Goan life.  They are envious of decent Goan life.  Some of the Goan 
priests joined these congregations are suffering a lot for this reason Goan 
boys should refrain from joining these non-Goan congregations which are 
controlled by Mafia type of gangs from Mangalore and other places.  Those 
Goan priests who are undergoing suffering in these non-Goan congregations 
should revolt and resign from there and join Goan congregations.

Goans with social conscience must now come forward and start a solid 
campaign against all the defectors who are contesting the coming election 
again.  For example Suresh  Parulenkar in Calangute constituency should be 
questioned by all the voters who earlier voted him why he defected and if 
voted to power again what guarantee is there he will not repeat the same 
defection? Likewise all the Parulenkars in Goa should be questioned and 
reprimanded and if necessary booted out. If possible all the defectors and 
even other contestants should be made to give an undertaking thru any 
official method if available or be made publicly to swear upon their 
religious books or symbols that they will not defect to any other party once 
they are elected. To campaing for the right candidate one need not belong to 
any political party, in fact persons having no affiliation to any political 
party is is in better position to raise his voice against corruption in 
political life.  Man like Christopher Fonseca Trade Union Leader is going to 
contest the election.  Mr. Fonseca was involved in creating disaster of 
Konkani Daily Newspaper Novem Goem.  He failed in delivering proper 
administration in NG. If he gets elected then what sort of administration he 
will give?  By the way is he first of all fit to get elected when he along 
with other NGP Trustees failed to run Novem Goem properly?  If he cannot run 
a small venture like Novem Goem Daily then how he will run the affairs of 
Goa if he is elected?  The relatives, nearest and closest of Gulf Goans 
especially of Kuwait Goans should ask this question to Christopher Fonseca 
when he comes for canvassing in Siolim.  Likewise all other candidates 
especially having dubious character should be publicly questioned by the 
voters in their respective constituencies as the late Mark Fernandes used to 
do in Calangute some years back.

If expatriate Goans had to have one Newspaper owned by them even a weekly 
now at their disposal in Goa, lot of educative campaign could have been 
carried out independently on our own behalf the way we want of course 
without affiliating to any political party.  Unfortunately to press our 
views we have to rely on this forum which is the previllege of few and as 
such it can have a very little impact on Goan voters.  The local press in 
Goa is controlled by their own affiliations, likes and deslikes and they are 
not likely to give space to our views however good and constructive our 
views may be. Whatever little space the local press gives us it goes as alms 
to the beggar. Currently local press in general is headed by Non-Goans who 
are unaware of Goan culture, tradition, history and so many other best 
things of Goan life.  Their opinion they express on Goan life is a borrowed 
opinion and whatever little they do they do it only to please a section of 
Goan voters.  They are not dedicated to Goan cause and being non Goans they 
will never do justice to Goan cause. Even the new breed of Goan writers 
among whom are those born in “X” place outside India and brought up in “Y” 
place outside Goa are not capable to fight for the Goan cause.  Some of them 
are selfish, so selfish that for the sake of their personal gains they will 
even sell their pen which should be rightly greater than sword. We need 
staunch Goa lover editors, writers and publishers to put forth our views and 
the same cannot be done without having the Goan press in the hands of true, 
genuine and dedicated Goans.  This is the sad part of Goan life. In our own 
land we adore others, in our own house we make our guests as Kings who will 
never be sincere to our cause. In Goa people are very much interested in 
having good leaders but unfortunately good leaders are not in existence and 
even if there are and if they are capable of giving good leadership people 
don’t trust them because they have not done anything worthwhile in the 
service of public. Precisely because of this type of attitude Bahujan Samaz 
was wooed to him and his party by crooks like Dayananda Bandodkar denying 
Jack Sequeiras and their  Bhattkar/Bamonshahi an opportunity to give a good 
governance to Goa.  If Goa is going to be saved from further disaster, 
non-political organizations, non-political persons having affiliation to no 
political party should come forward and educate the masses and voters to 
elect right candidates.  If people think that only by getting elected they 
can change the structure of Goa then they are sadly mistaken, this is my 
view.  To create a revolution in India Mahatmah Gandhi and Jayprakash Narain 
did not go to the local Assemblies nor Delhi Parliament.  By not contesting 
election they created revolution in India.


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