Dear Santosh,

Bald factual claims such as those relating to the
missing corpse of the historical Jesus, or the
subsequent response of his disciples to persecution,
have never been unfalsifiable. Let historical
scholarship aided by increasingly sophisticated
technology continue to refute any falsehoods, so that
nobody need be deceived. 

Like you, I am happy for individuals to choose
whatever they wish to believe. However, I try not to
cast aspersions on their choice (just as I would nor
"commit nuisance" in their drinking water).

You write of religious belief:

"something to cling to in spite 
of contrary evidence"

As far as my own religious belief goes, I suggest that
you first present some contrary evidence, then decide
whether I cling or not. Until then, I am inclined to
dismiss such statements as mere prejudice.

True, there are many aspects of religious belief (if
not also everyday opinion) that are beyond science, in
the sense of being unfalsifiable: particularly those
deriving from personal experience of love or prayer.
To the many who delight in their religion, and are
more concerned about living than talking about life, I
have a message: Ignore claims that science is
incompatible with religion. Both, at their best, keep
us firmly rooted in reality. Religion and prayer also
"reach the parts that science cannot reach", helping
us lead a more meaningful, fuller and happier life.


Joel Almeida

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