Sunila Muzawar wrote on the Scientific Method thread:

>Actually the VHP only parrots what others say. Nobel prize winners 
>like Romain Rolland have said a lot about the Vedas and whatever.

Romain Rolland got a Nobel prize in literature. He was not a 
scientist. As far as I know, he said nothing about the Vedas and the 
speed of light. He would not have been qualified to say anything 
about the scientific validity of the Vedas. Please don't try to 
confuse issues here.

By the way, he was a great supporter of scientific rationalism.

>Let me ask you have you ever read the Vedas ? Do you know Sanskrit ?

No for both questions. Have you, and Do you? If you have and do, 
Please enlighten us in English or Konkani. I am particularly 
interested in the speed of light issue.

The English synopsis of the Vedas in Hiriyanna's book on Indian 
Philosophy that I have says nothing about that.

>Intuition, gut feeling, sixth sense and whatever else you may call 
>it does exist but unfortunately science lacks in being able to prove 

Are you sure? Have you read the current scientific literature on 
these matters? I know there is a lot of published research that deals 
with this. I would love to know whether your assertion is based on 
the conclusions of this research, before I accept it.

>Similarly, there are some things which are beyond proof. They are 
>simply there cannot deny it.

How do you know this? I deny it, in the absence of evidence that your 
statement is true.

>One has faith in antibiotics for curing illness based on the logic, 
>since it did so in the past.

Antibiotics cure illnesses whether you have faith in them or not. 
This is a scientific fact. Scientists know a great deal about how and 
why antibiotics work.

>Also the same faith is broken by the logic again when one knows that 
>antibiotics are harmful in the long run for the body.

Is this a general statement about human psychology or about the 
effectiveness of antibiotics being intertwined with faith? If it is 
the latter, there is scientific evidence that contradicts your 

>Somethings just exist because they simply do.

It is great fun and enormously useful to find out why they exist and 
how. Science has been pretty successful at doing that.

>All this talk of logic and science is a failure because it is all 
>based on assumptions. When the assumptions crumble the scientific 
>theorams crash. 

What assumptions?

>There is something beyond and that is God. 

Again, How do you know that?



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