>From: "santoshhelekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Goanet] Vedas, Antibiotics, etc
>Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 07:42:20 -0000

>>Romain Rolland got a Nobel prize in literature. He was not a
>scientist. As far as I know, he said nothing about the Vedas and the
>speed of light. He would not have been qualified to say anything
>about the scientific validity of the Vedas. Please don't try to
>confuse issues here.
>By the way, he was a great supporter of scientific rationalism.

I read his name a long time ago in connection with something he said on the 
Vedas. I will try and dig it up and if I do I will let you know. But you 
know everything you have said about him reinforces my memory that it was him 
only that I had read about in connection with the Vedas. After all science 
and literature and the Vedas can be a heady combination. ;-)

> >Let me ask you have you ever read the Vedas ? Do you know Sanskrit ?
> >
>No for both questions. Have you, and Do you? If you have and do,
>Please enlighten us in English or Konkani. I am particularly
>interested in the speed of light issue.

Actually I haven't read the Vedas and I don't know Sanskrit. But would love 
to know more. If nothing else, it would give me an insight into Indian 
history. But one of the reasons I asked is to show you how illogical your 
approach is. Just because you haven't read it and don't know more about it 
does not mean it does not exist. :-)

> >Intuition, gut feeling, sixth sense and whatever else you may call
> >it does exist but unfortunately science lacks in being able to prove
> >it.
>Are you sure? Have you read the current scientific literature on
>these matters? I know there is a lot of published research that deals
>with this. I would love to know whether your assertion is based on
>the conclusions of this research, before I accept it.

I do read but am not a scientist or a psychologist. But recent findings on 
proving mental telepathy and healing through sending distant mental 
vibrations (includes prayer) is proving that thoughts or energy does travel 
from one person to another over thousands of miles. I had read that The 
California Pacific Medical Center is involved in this research and is 
getting very encouraging findings. But why go so far ? Haven't you seen that 
a patient responds better to treatment when he/she has the will to get 
better and when they don't their health deteriorates dramatically despite 
all the medicines and treatments ? Can medical science address that ?

> >Similarly, there are some things which are beyond proof. They are
> >simply there ....you cannot deny it.
> >
>How do you know this? I deny it, in the absence of evidence that your
>statement is true.

Just because you don't know you deny it. That doesn't mean it does not 
exist. A hundred years ago if someone was told that you could be heard 
thousands of miles away they would have laughed. Yet, today the telephone is 
a reality. If sound waves can be captured and transmitted why do you deny 
that thoughts can also be electro-magnetic waves which can be transmitted, 
accepted and responded to ? Just because science hasn't discovered it yet, 
it does not mean it does not exist. It is a superficial and narrow vision 
that says that if you haven't seen it or heard it or proven it in some 
physical way, it does not exist. That does not mean one should get loony and 
spaced out. But to deny it is equal folly.

>Antibiotics cure illnesses whether you have faith in them or not.
>This is a scientific fact. Scientists know a great deal about how and
>why antibiotics work.

Yes, and now they are finding that new bacteria are coming about which are 
immune to existing antibiotics. So they are caught up in the vicious cycle 
of trying to exterminate every new bacteria that comes about. Unfortunately, 
very little effort actually goes into finding out the source of this 
bacteria. I don't deny the advantages of antibiotics. But just because 
science found this magical remedy does not mean there aren't any more 
remedies out there. It also does not mean that there isn't a way to prevent 
the bacteria from occurring in the first place.

>Is this a general statement about human psychology or about the
>effectiveness of antibiotics being intertwined with faith? If it is
>the latter, there is scientific evidence that contradicts your

It is the latter. I don't care what science currently says, I cannot deny 
the fact that I have many side effects when I take a dose of antibiotics. It 
does actually address infections effectively, but it creates other problems 
in my body. I am hundred percent sure that I am not the only one to have 
suffered from the side effects of antibiotics. And science keeps changing. 
They told you meat is good for your body and then now they say virtually the 
opposite and advocate vegetarianism. So which scientific theoram does one 
believe ? Especially since it may be contradicted some time later.

> >Somethings just exist because they simply do.
> >
>It is great fun and enormously useful to find out why they exist and
>how. Science has been pretty successful at doing that.

Sure, but they have not completed the job. And just because they haven't 
found something out yet, to deny the existence of that something is the 
narrowest view ever. It is like someone asking for statistics to prove that 
Hindus have been killed in Kashmir ...a question which actually occurred 
recently on this forum. Just because someone hasn't collected these 
statistics or just because these statistics aren't handy give outs doesn't 
mean the Hindus haven't been killed. One reads about the killings 
practically everyday in the news but unfortunately, someone needs an audited 
report of statistics to believe it before you can accept it. I tell you it 
is absurd.

> >There is something beyond and that is God.
> >
>Again, How do you know that?

Because I love him and because I relate to him. Now don't ask what is love. 
After all can science truly prove an abstract emotion like LOVE ? You just 
know it is. ;-)


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