goanet-digest         Wednesday, May 22 2002         Volume 01 : Number 4000

In this issue:

    RE: [Goanet] Vedas, Antibiotics, etc
    [Goanet] From: "Monte De Guirim - Ex-Students - Toronto Chapter"
    [Goanet] From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    [Goanet] GUJARAT HAS SEALED =?utf-8?q?PARRIKAR=E2=80=99S?= FATE
    Re: [Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL GOANS!

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 09:00:48 +0400
From: "Sunila Muzawar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [Goanet] Vedas, Antibiotics, etc

Cip, your message is beautiful.

And to answer your question. Yes I do pray. I believe in God. I love Jesus. 
I love Krishna. I love Allah. And I love Buddha. And I believe they are all 
the same. What I don't love and don't believe in is orgnaised religion which 
means the religious organisations/priests/etc. that pretend to propagate 
"religion" which is supposed to be the teachings of Jesus, Krishna, etc. 
These teachings do not differ in any way from each other. However, what 
organised religion actually propagates is communal divide, terrorism, 
violence, strife and superiority complexes. I certainly don't believe in 

>From: "C Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Sunila Muzawar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "James Almeida" 
>Subject: RE: [Goanet] Vedas, Antibiotics, etc
>Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 22:31:28 +0100
>I wonder if Sunila, James and Santosh ever PRAY?
>If You PRAY, You will have FAITH,
>And if You have FAITH, You will LOVE,
>And if You LOVE, You will SERVE,
>And if You SERVE, You will have PEACE.
>                               -Mother Teresa

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Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 22:08:14 +0200
From: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] From: "Monte De Guirim - Ex-Students - Toronto Chapter"

> From: "Monte De Guirim - Ex-Students - Toronto Chapter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Monte De Guirim Reunion !
> Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 21:01:58 -0400
> The Ex-Students Association - Toronto Chapter of St. Anthony's High School,
> Monte De Guirim, Goa is pleased to invite all alumni and  their brethren,
> friends and family to their eight annual gala lunch & dance to be held at
> Sangeet Banquet hall, 181 Rexdale Boulevard, Etobicoke, Ontario. Feast Mass
> in honour of St. Anthony will be celebrated at 11 AM and will be followed by
> our traditional Goan festive celebrations. A live band ad DJ will be in
> attendance. Indian buffet lunch will be served accompanied by Sorpotel.
> Prizes and surprises galore.
> Please contact President of the Social Committee, Felix Colaco for further
> details and tickets at (905)509 9294, (416)983 9694 and (416) 399 5074 or
> Please respond as soon as possible if you will be attending. Thank you.


Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 22:11:37 +0200
From: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 01:28:14 +0530
> Subject: Article sent from The Hindu
> =============================================================
> This article has been sent to you by Rohit ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
> =============================================================
> Source: thThe Hindu 
> Opinion
> News Analysis
> Golwalkar and the BJP
> By Neena Vyas
> MAY 9.
> The Prime Minister, Atal Behari Vajpayee, virtually disowned the pro-Hitler views 
>expressed by "guruji" M.S. Golwalkar, a former `sarsanghchalak' of the Rashtriya 
>Swayamsevak Sangh, in the Rajya Sabha on May 6, but did not explain why in almost 
>every office of the Bharatiya Janata Party, and now, in several ministerial offices 
>at the Centre (including Parliament House), his portraits hang alongside those of 
>Mahatma Gandhi and B.R. Ambedkar. After all, German Government offices today surely 
>do not hang portraits of Hitler nor does the BJP decorate its offices with pictures 
>of Osama bin Laden.
>  The fact is that both Mr. Vajpayee and the Union Home Minister, L.K. Advani, grew 
>up at the feet of "guruji" who is still revered as the most influential of all RSS 
>heads who gave the organisation &#151; and the BJP, the political arm of the RSS 
>&#151; its so-called "ideological'' moorings and formed the young minds of Mr. 
>Vajpayee and Mr. Advani during their impressionable years.
>  Mr. Vajpayee dismissed Golwalkar's openly fascist views as "his own (`)'' and added 
>that the BJP had "nothing to do with the book (`)'' and that his party "had never 
>given its stamp of approval (`')'' to those views. But he did not say when and where 
>had the BJP (or the Jan Sangh) distanced itself formally from the views of Golwalkar.
>  The question that needs to be asked loudly is why it has taken Mr. Vajpayee all of 
>60 years to distance his party from what Golwalkar had said? Why is it that in spite 
>of his criminally obnoxious views he is revered by the Sangh Parivar and considered 
>to be the guru of all gurus? In fact, contrary to what Mr. Vajpayee said, the BJP has 
>so far never repudiated Golwalkar's views, let alone denounce them.
>  A close look at Golwakar and a comparison with what the RSS, the Vishwa Hindu 
>Parishad and the Bajrang Dal are saying almost everyday establishes the fact that the 
>views of the Sangh Parivar are no different from those of Golwalkar.
>  And this is what "guruji'' had to say in `We on Our Nationhood Defined': "To keep 
>up the purity of the race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging 
>the country of the semitic races &#151; the Jews. Race pride at its highest has been 
>manifested here...a good lesson for us in Hindusthan to learn and profit by.'' The 
>Sangh Parivar insists that all Hindus are of Aryan origin, and denounces historians 
>who suggest that Aryans came from Central Asia at a later date to push the Dravidians 
>to the South.
>  His "formula'' for nationhood was "five unities'' &#151; geographical (a common 
>country), racial (all people belonging to one race), religious (all `nationals' must 
>follow the same faith), cultural (the same culture) and linguistic (a common 
>language). And he admitted that in India the "knotty problem'' was religion and 
>language. The "language" problem was resolved by (falsely) suggesting that there was 
>a unity since all Indian languages were derived from a common root language &#151; 
>Sanskrit. Golwalkar's views on the "five unities'' perhaps explains the old Jan Sangh 
>slogan, "Hindi, Hindu, Hindusthan".
>  The only problem left, according to Golwalkar, was that of the religious 
>minorities. The answer to the question why the Sangh Parivar activists even today see 
>themselves as the only true "nationalists'' and look upon Christians and Muslims as 
>"traitors'' can also be found in Golwalkar.
>  This is what he said: "in Hindusthan, the land of the Hindus, lives and should live 
>the Hindu nation...only those movements are truly `national' as aim at re-building 
>and emancipating from its present stupor the Hindu nation...All others are either 
>traitors and enemies to the national cause...''
>  And finally, here was Golwalkar's solution to the minorities problem: the "foreign 
>elements'' (Christians and Muslims) may "live at the mercy'' of the "national race 
>(Aryan Hindus) as long as the national race may allow them to do so and to quit the 
>country at the sweet will of the national race. That is the only sound view on the 
>minorities' problem. That is the only logical and correct solution.''
>  The frightening thing is that this is exactly what has happened in Gujarat &#151; 
>the minorities have been told that there is no place for them there and that they are 
>free to go to Pakistan.
>  Even in Parliament, when Muslim MPs get up to speak, the BJP backbenchers are often 
>heard saying "go to Pakistan''.
> Copyright: 1995 - 2002 The Hindu
> Republication or redissemination of the contents of this screen are expressly
> prohibited without the consent of The Hindu


Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 16:40:00 +0530
Subject: [Goanet] GUJARAT HAS SEALED =?utf-8?q?PARRIKAR=E2=80=99S?= FATE

As 30th May draws nearer, Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar is
desperately trying all stunts to try and woo voters to salvage the
sinking BJP ship. In the Panjim Constituency, Parrikar who is fighting
a battle for his survival,is offering all sorts of carrots to buy the

It would be difficult for Mr Parrikar to fool the people when BJP's
track record is public knowledge. No Goan would want the Gujarat
carnage to happen in this State of ours and  this means sending the
BJP to the  wilderness.  Goa will vote for a Secular party that  can
provide stability by not repeating the mistakes of the past.The urgent
task is to undo the damage done to Goa by the 17 month rule of the
communal and casteist BJP.

Recently, the Chief Minister had assured us that there would be no
water shortage this year.  People have to endure days of dry taps and
the power failures continue contradicting the  Government claims the
situation has improved.

The 17-month BJP rule has been one of the most corrupt regimes. Mr
Parrikar himself admits that a lot of money was accepted for  party
funds. Corruption is corruption whether the proceeds go to personal
pockets or party coffers.

The malaise of defections has gripped every political party. The BJP
itself has fielded a lot of defectors. The Chief Minister himself
grabbed power through the back door by engineering defections so he
has no moral authority to lecture others on the evils of defections.

The Chief Minister has spoken so much on Women's empowerment but it is
not surprising that the BJP has fielded only one lady candidate and
that too in Benaulim a constituency where the lotus could never bloom.

The people have been called upon to vote on May 30th because an
autocratic and unpredictable Manohar Parrikar decided to prematurely
dissolve the assembly to save his chair. For this single rash and
negligent act of the Chief Minister,the state exchequer has to bear
the brunt.But the voters will now have an opportunity to teach Mr
Parrikar and his communal BJP party the  lesson of their lifetime.

Aires Rodrigues


Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 07:25:56 -0700
From: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL GOANS!

A message from William - I d like to share  - as we are on the subject of
RELIGION . and message to all Goans.

We should all think GOAN rather than RELIGION.

Lets not make GOA another Gujarat .........we may if we are not too careful.


- ----- Original Message -----
From: "William Robert Da Silva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, May 18, 2002 6:47 AM
message - WORLD GOADAY 2002

Goa World Day 2002 comes after 9-11 and 10.7 two fundamentalisms
at war with each other. Goa World Day needs to focus on Goa and
what is happening to it--the various political, religious and cultural
forces that enrich it, exploit it and fragment it. This is the right
time to think over what shape is Goa of the future?
Thinking of Goa World Day is "Think about Goa" in 2002.


- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Sunila Muzawar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 3:14 AM

Subject: Re: [Goanet] MESSAGE TO ALL GOANS!

> For someone who is totally against organised religion, that is very
> ! ;-) In any case, if all in India gave up their religion, everyone would
> focus on real issues like the economy, education, infrastructure, health,
> sanitation, and development. Instead, with the current obsession with
> organised religion we dig ourselves into a pit.
> Cheers,
> Sunila


End of goanet-digest V1 #4000

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