goanet-digest          Tuesday, May 28 2002          Volume 01 : Number 4029

In this issue:

    [Goanet] re: Is water found only on Earth?
    [Goanet] re: Is water found only on Earth?
    Fw: [Goanet] Sorry about repeat postings 
    [Goanet] re: Is water found only on Earth?
    [Goanet] vote for upright candidates only.
    [Goanet] JesusChrist Superstar (Report from Pakistan)

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 08:45:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] re: Is water found only on Earth?

Dear Santosh,

You write:

"there is life only on earth. But this hypothesis is 
conceptually the converse of the hypothesis that there
is life elsewhere." 

False. The word you are looking for is "reverse", not
converse. Here are the logically correct statements.

Statement: Life is confined to earth
Re-statement: Life cannot be found outside earth

Those are logically equivalent. State it either way.
Take your pick. Falsify either one. In either case,
one discovery of life outside earth suffices.

Something just came "crashing down", as you say. But
falsification continues to flourish among rational
scientists. Try it: it is the only known safeguard
against pseudo-science.


Joel Almeida

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 17:04:03 -0000
From: "santoshhelekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] re: Is water found only on Earth?

- --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>False. The word you are looking for is "reverse", not
>converse. Here are the logically correct statements.
>Statement: Life is confined to earth
>Re-statement: Life cannot be found outside earth
>Those are logically equivalent. State it either way.
>Take your pick. Falsify either one. In either case,
>one discovery of life outside earth suffices.

Joel, you are right. The only way you can defend falsification is by
playing word games. 

In writing what you wrote in your last post, I hope you realize that
you have inadvertently "confirmed" my contention that all that this
fluffy, flimsy Popperian notion amounts to, is a silly dance of words. 

Knowing fully that you can only confirm and not falsify the
perfectly legitimate hypothesis that there can be life outside earth,
you rephrased it by merely adding a "not" to "can" to suit your
purpose. If you really think that you are making a substantive and
substantial point in doing that then I guess I would have to again
blame my poor mental capacity to appreciate that point.

You can play more word games if you like. But as far as I am
concerned, from the point of view of richness of ideas Popper is a
pauper. This I hope is my last sentence on falsification.




Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 19:44:02 +0100
From: "Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Fw: [Goanet] Sorry about repeat postings 

As my today's posted bounced because I had not deleted the footer, I am
forwarding it below, without that footer.


- ----- Original Message -----
From: "Jorge/Livia de Abreu Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "albertina almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Goa-Net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Sorry about repeat postings

> Dear Albertina,
> Please don't apologise  for repetaed postings about the screening of Hey
> Ram. Even if the  same posting came over and over for consecutive days, at
> least until the 30th it would still not be sufficient.
> I continue to admire the work of Bailancho Saad albeit you try to keep a
> profile. You have now challenged the supposedly "true Goans " or "Powers
> that are" and as says Tony Correia-Afonso Kudos to you and to the
> Saad. May your strength never fail.
> I have read  "Tamas" (Darkness), I have read "City of Djinns" and since
> 1994 I have been trying to finish Taslima Nasrin's "Lajja" (Shame) but my
> simple mind has not been able to grasp and digest the accounts given by
> author.
> I have a plate hanging in my kitchen with a prayer that begins like this
> "Lord of  all pots and pans, and things", I would say "Lord of all
> please save my  little Goa from ever being the subject for 'savage
> indictment of religious extremism and man's inhumanity to man'  as is
> depicted in 'Hey Ram', 'Tamas',  'Lajja' ,'City of Djinns', etc.".
> Livia de Abreu Noronha
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "albertina almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 2:37 AM
> Subject: [Goanet] Sorry about repeat postings
> > Sorry about the repeat postings about the screening of Hey Ram. There
> > some problem with the e-mail which has since been set right.
> >
> > albertina
> >


Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 12:07:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] re: Is water found only on Earth?

Dear Santosh,

You write: "Popper is a pauper".

Name-calling? Why not refute his ideas if you can
(preferably after reading his writing on scientific
discovery)? Logic will probably get you further than


Joel Almeida

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 19:46:49 +0000
From: "A. Veronica Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] vote for upright candidates only.


Only a day is now remaining for the 30th May election of Goa.  Up to now 
besides Goa Su-raj Party none of the other parties contesting election in 
Goa has declared their real intention on defection.  Neither the 
independents.  That means they all when given an opportunity will surely 
defect by saying to their voters “To Hell With You”. These candidates and 
their parties are under the impression that Goan voters are nothing but 
idiots of first grade.  All the defectors finally turn Goan voters as 
“chutiya” and if Goan voters are not so then they will surely refrain from 
voting for frequent defectors, candidates of those parties so far not 
uttered a single word against defection and also independent candidates who 
so far not aired their view on defection.

During this time in this part of the world lot of interest has been 
generating about this election but still lot was expected from our people 
majority of whom believe in the motto “Bhor ga potta ani sor ga dissa”.  We 
have been organising our soccer matches and soccer final so also Milagres 
Saibinnichem Fest in grand scale.  I attended all the events but hardly I 
found there among the hundreds of people even thinking of their Goa on 30th 
of this month.   When I said Hi to one of my acquaintances he retorted thus 
“A-R-E Veronica, tunch re ekloch Sunnea baxen kiteak bonktai ani tujo boro 
vell vibaddtai?”  When I asked him why he said like this, he replied 
immediately “Te Rostad politicians mure, tankam sodd toxech, korundi tankam 
kitem zai tem. Currption – defection – sex scandal tanchea jivitacho ek bhag 
ani hem tanchem sonvoier poddlam”.  By listening to this I was not surprised 
but reflected very hard how people are dejected with our current politicians 
in Goa.  Then I spoke thus “ A-R-E mojea Goykar bava, ami poile vhoddle 
Rostad kiteak ami amcho kaido sarko korinant mhonn.  Zor bore munis fuddem 
soron cholvoll keloli zalear Rostad vechnunkank ubech ravpache nhoi aslet”.  
The good point of Rostad is that when good people are reluctant to do 
something good when they can, Rostad people sprint to do the same thereby 
winning the goodwill of the masses and for masses their immediate needs are 
more important.  This is weak point of the so called good people who will do 
nothing but only talk and bark and criticize the Rostad.

Now as per my information lot of Goans from this part of the World have 
communicated to their nearest and dearest in Goa not to vote for Rostad 
candidates, not to vote for communals, not to vote for frequent defectors 
and currupt.  Thru this I feel lot of awakening has been done though not to 
the extent it was expected.  Still there is one full day for our people to 
advise their family members and friends and relatives in Goa whom to vote 
rightly and whom not to vote.  One thing has to be borne in mind, voting for 
defectors means surely wasting your vote because these frequent defectors 
will surely defect once again.  Hence, beware of defectors.

In the past the crook, communal, corrupt and defector candidates made use of 
their money power to shower the voters on the eve of the election with “pott 
bhor sur” and turn them in their favour.  This type of “Bebdes” are 
innumerable in Goa who at the last minute change their minds.  Very many of 
them are practicing Catholics.  Our Pe. Vigars and Pe. Curs in the Churches 
should preach on this defect.  They must also tell the voters not to refrain 
from voting, if one is bad the other will be less bad and so on but they 
must cast their votes.   Our Young girls must also take a lead to cast their 
votes because very many of them feel shy that their age will be disclosed.  
This is rubbish.  Nobody should feel shy to do her duty.



A. Veronica Fernandes,

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.


Date: Tues, 28 May 2002, 1:30 p.m.
Subject: [Goanet] JesusChrist Superstar (Report from Pakistan)

Musical show stirs controversy

KARACHI: Local organisers of a remake of the 70's musical hit "Jesus Christ Superstar" 
have earned the wrath of Christian clerics for omitting some vital scenes, including 
that of Christ dying on the cross. Diane Braganza, the show's director, the teen-age 
daughter of well-known musician David Braganza, said the scene was dropped following 
protests by the Bahria (Navy) Foundation, which owns the auditorium where the musical 
was staged. Bahria officials refused to allow the scene, because they said it 
militated against the Muslim viewpoint and could provoke anger among their 
co-religionists. Though Muslims call Jesus the Spirit of God (Rooh-Allah) they dispute 
his death on the cross. One of the clerics assisting the producers, Fr Robert DeSilva, 
claimed he was consulted in the matter but it was too late to find another venue 
oreven cancel the show. The musical itself was organised to raise funds for Karachi's 
Holy Family Hospital.

Other Catholic priests, however, were outraged by the decision to go ahead with the 
musical. They said the organisers should have walked out if they were told to block 
out the Passion scene. "It is an insult to our religious sentiments. How can anyone 
impose their religion upon us and deny the Crucifixion," asked an irate priest. 
Controversies apart, the musical did pull in huge crowds on the two days it was 
screned, and managed to raise the required funds for the hospital.

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