Source: New Statesman (UK), June 10, 2002

Headline: Cristina Odone spots a sex tourist; In Goa, the loner among the
hotel guests squats and talks to the boys on the beach reports Cristina

BY: Cristina Odone

Full Text:

As holiday snaps go, it wasn't a happy one. The hotel in Goa was made up of
a dozen independent wooden huts overlooking the sea. May is considered
off-season, so fewer than half of the huts were occupied. But you couldn't
help but get to know your fellow guests, as you bumped into one another in
the restaurant and by the pool. But one guest kept resolutely to himself. He
was the first to appear for his meals, and had wolfed them down by the time
the rest of us reached the restaurant; he never came near the pool; and we
could see him lolling about in his sarong on the patio outside his hut.
Every now and then, we would see him flagging down some of the beach
vendors - young boys selling silver jewellery and wicker baskets - and when
they drew near, he would squat and talk to them. Once I saw him hand over a
packet of Marlboros to one delighted youth.

I asked the manager about him. He shrugged, his expression neutral: 'He's an
Englishman. He asks me to change about a hundred sterling every week. We
think he's buying favours.'

Buying favours is big business in Goa. For decades, western tourists flocked
to this region to buy sex with children. It was easy: they didn't need to
haunt bordellos or slums. They didn't even need to deal with the 400,000 or
so children who, according to a 1994 Unicef study, are involved in India's
sex industry. No, in a region where the average annual wage is among the
lowest in the world, you can pick up children on the street, as they make
their way to school or the fields where they work.

And you don't need to worry about their parents turning you in to the
authorities, either: many poor Indian families have turned a blind eye to
foreign paedophiles molesting their children. Sex can mean survival.

Recently, the Goan authorities have been trying to crack down on the whole
sordid business: huge billboards warn that sex tourism 'does not guarantee a
prosperous future for Goa'.

There are no statistics for British sex tourists - Britain has refused to
copy Australia, Germany and the US, which have recently passed laws that
allow prosecution of child sex tourists upon their return home. But it does
seem ironic to think that here, people wish for a Fortress Britain that can
keep dirty foreigners out; abroad, they wish for a fortress that would pen
dirty Britons in.

End of article
Cristina Odone, [EMAIL PROTECTED] returned last week from her
holiday in Goa.  In fact I tried to call her recently but she was then at a
lunch party she was hosting. Last Sunday she appeared in the David Frost TV
programme.  She is Deputy Editor of the New Statesman and is a high profile
UK journalist known for her staunch Roman Catholic views.  Check some of her
articles by doing a search at for Cristina Odone.  Her
portrait is at

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