08 June 2002

STATE NH-17 TO BE MADE INTO 4-LANE: The two-laned National highway 17 would 
soon be widened to a four-laned highway, announced Director General (Road 
Development) NK Sinha while addressing a press conference organised by the 
Indian Roads Congress on Friday. (H)

STUDY OF CABLE BRIDGE ACROSS ZUARI: The state government is in the process 
of appointing a Danish firm to conduct a feasibility study into the 
construction of a parallel cable bridge across the Zuari river on the lines 
of the famous Hooghly bridge, in West Bengal. (H)

FREEDOM FIGHTERS' JUNE 18 PROGRAMME: A meeting of freedom fighters and 
other citizens will organise a programme at the Lohia Maidan in Margao on 
18th June to mark the historic day. (NT)

"TAI" REFUSES TO QUIT MGP: The president of the beleagured MGP, Shashikala 
Kakodkar, who received flat at the party's debacle in the May 30 assembly 
polls, asserted that she would not resign from the top post and vowed to 
rebuilt the party, the oldest in Goa. (H)

BEDLAM AT MGP MEET: The differences in the rank and file of the oldest 
regional party in the State came to the fore with supporters of MGP 
president Shashikala Kakodkar and her detractors verbally clashing over the 
party's worst-ever poll performance in the just concluded assembly 
elections. (GT)

PLOTS FOR DEFENCE PERSONNEL: The Army Welfare Housing Organisation, New 
Delhi, has proposed a scheme for the construction of various types of 
accommodation on the Old Goa by-pass road. (NT)

INDIAN ROADS MEET: The 166th Council Meeting of the Indian Roads Congress 
is being held at Panaji on June 8 and 9. (NT)

BRITISH COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP: The British Council, Mumbai, invited 
applications from young men and women of Goan origin, who want to study or 
train in the United Kingdom. Email: 

MONITORING IMPLEMENTATION: The United Goans Democratic Party has salvaged 
some of its image, which was severely compromised when it seemed that two 
of three legislators had succumbed to the lure of cabinet posts offered by 
the BJP, in its anxiety to form the government. To his eternal credit, the 
third member Mathany Saldanha, not only has resisted the temptation but has 
stuck to his stated position during the campaign. The party is to be 
commended on serving notice to the saffron brigade that there will be no 
compromise on the issue of secularism. (Edit in Herald)

CHINCHINIM LOCALS HELD: Cuncolim police arrested Benedito Teixeira and 
Sandrick Teixeira, both from Chinchinim, for allegedly assaulting one 
Agustino Antao with an iron rod. Antao has fractured both legs as a result 
of the assault.  (H)

"PLANT WORLD 2002" AT MAPUSA: Nisarga Nature Club will organise "Plant 
World 2002" at Nehru Park, Mapusa, from 10 am to 6 pm from 7 to 9 June, to 
coincide with World Environment Day. Nisarga is an NGO which is setting up 
plant nurseries in Goa to plant forest and avenue trees all around us. (GT)

POLICE PRO: The Director General of Police, Mr Gurcharan Singh Sandhu, has 
appointed Police Inspector Bossuet de Silva as the new public relations 
officer of Goa Police. (NT)

SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS TO COST LESS: Good news awaits students and their parents 
as the text books for classes of secondary section have arrived and they 
are likely to be priced lower than in recent years. (GT)

THE TEXTBOOK SHORTAGE: There is a shortage of textbooks in Goa. This 
happens to be an annual feature…Textbooks are printed outside the state 
despite the fact that printing technology is available in the state. 
Printing of school books, which is not a matter of precision, must be given 
to bidders in Goa itself. All printers in this small state must therefore 
get printing jobs. How and when will we become self-sufficient, then? 
(Kisan Kamat, Dona Paula, in Listening Post-NT)

SEMINAR ON FRESH WATER MANAGEMENT: An one-day seminar on fresh Water 
Management was organised by the Green Triangle Society in association with 
the Inspectorate of Factories and Boilers on the occasion of the World 
Environment Day in Panjim. Padmashree Norma Alvares was the chief guest on 
the occasion. (H)

NEGLECTED HERITAGE: On my recent visit to the forts of Tivim, Carambolim, 
Banastarim, Chapora, Reis Magos, Aguada and Pilar, it pained me to see the 
neglected state of some of them. Tree roots are jutting out of the walls of 
the 16th century Reis Magos fort. Plastic bottles and advertisement of a 
bar decorate the 15h century Banastarim fort. Domestic tourists are seen 
dumping plastic bottles, cans and other waste, both within and outside the 
Aguada fort. (Prajal Sakhardande, Caranzalem, in Listening Post-NT)

INFLATION UP: The effect of increase of petroleum products has had an 
effect on the transportation of commodities, with prices of essential 
commodities rising. Cereals and food grains have also been affected with 
the increase in prices, which has burdened the common man. (GT)

RASH DRIVING LEADS TO MISHAPS: In the recent past cases pertaining to rash 
and negligent driving are rising on the streets of Goa. (NT)

FIREFLIES AND FROGS: I hear the rising sound of the croaking frogs. Like 
the fireflies, these amphibians also hibernate after the monsoon. Frogs, 
are key stone species in any ecosystem rich in insects. In our state people 
go out with a torch when frogs begin croaking and hunt them for preparing 
"jumping chicken". Thousands of frogs are hunted mercilessly in Goa in the 
month of June. This has already caused an ecological imbalance. The insect 
population has gone up. The mosquitoes are breeding happily because their 
larvae are not consumed by the frogs. (Nandkumar Kamat in Zest-NT)

WAR CLOUDS ON GOA TOURISM! September 11 attacks notwithstanding, the West 
always makes news in terms of its celebrities, its mega events…In the case 
of India, it seldom features on the front pages. News ranges from brilliant 
exclusives on human suffering, to natural and man-made disaster…The 
country's adverse image and the westerners' cynical attitude has remained 
intact, thanks to the Surat plague, the earthquakes and now the Gujarat 
ethnic conflicts. Now the doomsday rumour about an Indo-Pakistan nuclear 
war has taken the form of a hysteria in the West. (Edit in GT)

SHEETAL TOPS AT SSC: Ms Sheetal Pinge of Shri Damodar Vidyalaya, 
Loliem-Canacona, scored 92 per cent of marks at the SSC examination, 
recently conducted by the Goa Board and stood first in the school and 
Canacona taluka. (NT)

    06 June: Cuncolim: CLARIZA AMELIA AGUIAR E NORONHA, relict of late 
Conceicao, mother of filomena/Raul, Rudolph/Sharad, Visitacao/Blasio, 
Sylvia/Rosarinho, Gregory/Celine.
    06 June: Fatorda: CHIQUITO BOMPARTO QUADROS, husband of late Elsa, 
father of Amelia/Russel, Antonio/Agnes, Paul.
    05 June: Ambora: EZU CARVALHO, relict of Rosario, mother of Vicky 
(Kuwait)/Mary, Clara/Piedade (Nairobi), Romash/Felix (Australia), Tony/Lina 
(Australia), Eeliza/Deodade, Luis (Kuwait)/Joyce.
    07 June: Santa Cruz: AGOSTINHO DE ARAUJO, husband of Guilhermina, 
father of Socorro, Evangelisto, Clacy/Joaquim, Herquelin/Nazareth, Dominic

G O A   W E A T H E R
    Temp: 28.4deg C (83.1 deg F) at 7.30 am at Assagao
    Max temp: 32.0 deg C; Humidity: 71 per cent. (Panjim yesterday)
    Weather: It rained last night. The morning is a bit brighter today.

Courtesy: H=Herald, NT=The Navhind Times, GT= Gomantak Times

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