
There's so much hatred and hunger for power at the moment in the world. 
Seems fanatics of all sorts, though mainly lead by the religious types, are 
using religion and freedom to destroy and kill. Regardless of the purpose, 
the cause or their beliefs, it's a shame that the biggest gifts of life and 
love are stomped upon. What would the winner of a battle do after the 
victory? Would they live life in love and harmony? Would that be possible 
after having killed another, after having destroyed another? Would the 
winner's religion be proclaimed as the 'right' religion?

Even though I have tremendous faith in humans, I'm calling upon the great 
architect to look down and put a stop to the evil by some humans, and the 
immaturity to ignore the same by many others. Deep within there's a hope 
and a plea, that the rules of life would step aside just for a while, so 
that goodness would take over and make it all fine. So a part of me wanted 
to talk to GOD and say 'look down and fix this', while the other half wants 
to tell my fellow humans that they too should stop and simply ask GOD to do 
the same. Basically wanting each one of us to feel so close to GOD, and in 
our OWN personal way, that it awakens some sort of a Sufi soul within us. A 
soul that strips itself naked of everything that man has made and with 
every drop of innocence and sincerity whispers a Sufi prayer.

This is my Sufi prayer. Even though I hope that you like it, more sincerely 
I hope that it wakes up the child within you to say a simple prayer, to 
gift God your own prayer, all because I want the world to be a better place 
and want us all to be better humans. After all, we are to date (and will 
always be) the greatest creation there ever has been. Remember that and 
respect it all around.

Welcome to my new book A Sufi Prayer ( 
<http://www.goacom.com/tagore>www.goacom.com/tagore ) 

One World, One Religion, One Race. One Colour, just a different face

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