Precedence: bulk

Margaret Mascarenhas

Who's sorry now

So now we know. We know that the Goan electorate is a lot more
politically savvy than the parties give them credit for. We know that
Goans have once again delivered a fractured mandate, and left the
Assembly hung out to dry. In the process; regional parties made a bit of
a come-back and the national parties were taught a lesson.
The Congress learned that most people are sick of the same robber
barons, and that relying exclusively on the communal card to win votes is
really stupid.  The NCP learned that 1 out of 15 is a joke and that they
had better come up with an election agenda that isn't complete
gibberish. The BJP learned to pay as much attention to Fundamental Rights
as to fundamentalists, not to count their chickens before they hatch, and
that arrogance is not bliss. 

For some reason Dr Willy de Sousa, the NCP's one-man-show, continues to
insist that his own version of politics does not constitute
defection.  Which has led me to the conclusion that the doctor could use
an English lesson.  The standard dictionary definition of defection
is: desertion/abandonment of one's leader, or side, or cause. That is to
say: it is the act of departing, not the destination, that is
relevant. Whether one leaves to join another party or to form a new one,
has nothing to do with the price of tea in China. Leaving, quite simply,
constitutes defection, not to mention a betrayal of the electorate. I
can't be positive, but I'd be willing to wager that under this
definition, Dr Willy is the biggest defector on Planet Earth.  Also: if
he wants to be Speaker, it might be a good idea for him to learn the
meanings of words. 

Incidentally, "winnability" is not a word.

And, speaking of words, while the heat was on, veteran columnist Mario
Cabral e Sa likened the antics of Goa's political hopefuls to a "naughty
can-can", where the participants perform a zany dance, kick up their
heels, and then turn around and expose their tushes (hey, guys, shake
your bootie)-the most apt and hilarious campaign analysis I've read to
date. I nearly fell on the floor laughing.

Some analysts are of the opinion that the BJP emerged from the election
fray with a slight majority based predominantly on the outstanding
administrative performance and squeaky clean personal record of Manohar
Parrikar during his unelected tenure as CM. (Just about everyone agrees
that there was never any question of him losing in his own
constituency.)  The stats seem to show that the voting public is
increasingly disillusioned with the Congress' refusal to divest itself of
the taint of defection politics and widespread corruption, and that a
considerable portion of the secular vote went to the BJP for this
reason. (Personally, I think it is pathetic that out of one billion
people, the Congress can't find a single Indian to serve as its national

Other analysts have gone so far as to say that, had it not been for
Gujarat and the rabid communal mumbo-jumbo emanating from the VHP,
Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Vajpayee, the BJP would have won, at the
very least, three more seats in Goa. Certainly, the BJP had it's act
together on the campaign front -website, front page ads, brochures,
rallies, and seemingly tireless footwork-which, by comparison, made most
of the other parties seem lazy, confused and/or ridiculous. 

Anyway, Goa now has, for the first time, an elected BJP CM, and only time
will tell whether he is up to the task of running Goa effectively and
fair-mindedly. It would be nice if he would follow the 5-point plan of
Nandkumar Kamat (Navind Times, June 3), but I'm not holding my breath.

Meanwhile, I'm trying not to contemplate nuclear war and have switched
my focus to the three Fs: Fashion, Football, and Fish-Curry-Rice.  

Wendell Rodricks has apparently retired from a brief stint in politics
and opened his new showroom at Altinho, followed by a fun-filled party at
the Ozone Bar. Those of you with adequate cash flow will rush up and
stake your claim to a designer original; those of you without, well.what
the hell is that you're wearing? 

Goa Foundation has released the long-awaited revised fourth edition of
Fish, Curry and Rice (at Hotel Nova Goa (hard and soft-cover, priced at
Rs 750 and 500 respectively). Those who attended the launch, received an
attractive one-time-only discount.

All over Panjim, on June 1st, people were panicking and phoning each
other because they didn't have TenSports. I myself was ready to pack my
bags and move to the suburbs, which were already 'on the ball', so to
speak. But the Panjim connection finally kicked in for the inaugural
ceremony (the BOOM song failed to turn me on). The World Cup got off to
an exciting start, with some unexpected results: Senegal beat France, the
defending champions, 1 to 0, and Germany whipped Saudi Arabia's butt, 8
to 0. But I have eyes only for Brazil and Argentina.








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