Practically no "severe problem" in Saligao? Far from it! FN


CALANGUTE, JUNE 17: The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) state president
Dr Wilfred de Souza may be the only NCP candidate in the Assembly, but
that does not stop him from reiterating that the NCP represents the third
front, the best option for the people in Goa.

A politician with considerable experience, Dr Willy has served as chief
minister and deputy chief minister in the legislature.

In an interview with Herald, Dr de Souza insists that if Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar could not survive with a two-party government for two
years, the chances that a 'four party' government will last its fully
five-year term seem bleak.

QUESTION: What do you think of the present coalition government in Goa?

It is a mixture of four different parties -- BJP, MGP, UGDP and an
Independent. In the past when Parrikar headed a two-party government, he
went on record to state that coalition governments cannot work. He tried
his best to merge the MGP into the BJP.

Now with a four-party coalition, he has gone from the frying pan to the
fire. He has not improved the condition at all.

QUESTION: But doesn't the BJP have the mandate to rule the state?

No. The BJP does not have the majority of its own to rule Goa.

QUESTION: What about the performance of the NCP? You did not get the
expected results. Do you still think the NCP has a future in Goa?

The NCP was keen to fight the communalism of the BJP and the corruption of
Congress. We were almost certain that the Goan people would choose the
third and better choice, that is the NCP. But for various reasons, people
rallied around the Congress.

The end result was that the BJP could get 17 seats, including Siolim and
Tivim, where in normal circumstances, they would have lost.

NCP is a national party with governments in three states and MLAs in eight

QUESTIONS: Was it true that your party's main aim was to split the
Congress votes, in order to teach them a lesson for snapping the proposed
NCP-Congress alliance?

Definitely not. It was I who proposed the alliance with the basic idea to
defeat the communal forces. I tried my best but the Congress leaders had
the bind hope that they could single-handedly achieve power. If today in
the hour of crisis, Congress has to blame somebody, then they should only
blame their leadership which had no foresight.

QUESTION: What role will your party play in the present political
situation in Goa?

We will certainly continue to follow the principles of the NCP. After all,
we are a middle force between the BJP and the Congress.

QUESTION: Do you think this government will complete its full term?

I don't think so. If Parrikar could not survive with a two-party
government for two years, how can he do so with a four-party
government? In a larger coalition, differences are always more.

QUESTION: During elections, you had promised the people that Philip Neri
would not support the BJP?

I did not make any promise on his behalf, but he gave me in writing that
he would not support the BJP and that he would be with us after getting

QUESTION: Isn't it interesting that you had to contest the elections with
your former PA as a rival candidate?

I won this war. There is nothing interesting about it. I won, he
lost. Simple.

QUESTION: What are the problems in Saligao constituency and how do you
intend to address these problems when you are not in the government?

There is practically no severe problem that Saligao constituency faces at
present. I have taken care of the major requirements like roads, power,
water supply and communications. If there is any other work, then I will
solve it as I have done in the past.

Even in the past when I was in the Opposition, I raised public issues in
the assembly and got it solved. Being in the opposition is no reason to
avoid solving problems. It is the will power that makes you understand and
solve the problems in one's constituency.

QUESTION: Sometime ago, you wanted to bring all socialist forces together
to fight against the communal fundamentalists in Goa. Do you still intend
to take a lead in this matter?

I will try and do whatever I can. In the past too, I have tried my best to
bring all like-minded people together. (ENDS)

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