goanet-digest         Tuesday, June 18 2002         Volume 01 : Number 4095

In this issue:

    [Goanet] Back on Goanet
    [Goanet] Matteo Colella
    [Goanet] Bounces - Just FYI
    Re: [Goanet] Matteo Colella
    [Goanet] Re: Fwd: Parachutes
    [Goanet] re: Matteo Colella
    [Goanet] Deceit and Fraud
    [Goanet] NEWS: Indian PMO says Time article is in bad taste 
    [Goanet] Another wild goa trip to tivim on sunday,23 june
    [Goanet] INTERVIEW: Dr Willy predicts short life for Parrikar govt (fwd)

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 05:59:32 -0000
From: "santoshhelekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Back on Goanet

>Hello there Santosh! You are right in your analysis about Padre Pio.

Hi Edgar:

Nice to hear from you and to see that you are back on Goanet. I am 
looking forward to reading some incisive posts from you on all the 
messy things that are happening in Goa and around the world.




Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 08:08:42 -0700
From: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


The Goa Heritage Action Group, a registered NGO has taken a decision to help
restore the 16th century Cross located at Betim, Bardez. Ketak Nachinolkar,
a graduate of the Goa College of Architecture with a post graduate degree in
conservation from the Delhi School of Planning and Architecture has been
appointed by the Group to carry out the restoration work of this exquisite
piece of heritage. Local residents and well-wishers of the Cross have
generously donated a seed fund to start the restoration. Additional funds
are urgently needed in order to complete the restoration work in time for
the World Goa Day Celebrations on August 18th 2002. The Group and local
community would be grateful for contributions, however small, for the
restoration of the Betim Cross. All contributions must be made by cheque in
favour of Goa Heritage Action Group and sent to 29/30 Green Valley, Porvorim
4035231, Bardez, Goa. Contributions in kind (sand, material, labour, lime,
etc.) would be welcome. Cash donations may also be made directly to Ms. Ana
Maria de Souza Goswami, Life Member of the Group for amounts not exceeding
Rs. 500. Contributors may feel free to inspect the work on site by prior
appointment and book accounts will be open to inspection. For further
information, call Ms. Goswami at 417847.

General Sec



Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 07:40:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Matteo Colella

I have found some information relating to the case of
Matteo Colella, who was cited in the recent St. Pio
canonization. Full medical details of the case are
available in the medical records. I have not examined
these, as the certifying Medical Board did. I know
only what I have read.

I gather that on January 20, 2000, Matteo Pio Colella,
a young and previously healthy child, developed fever,
vomiting, and large violet marks on his skin which
rapidly in number and size. He was severely
disorientated. His illness progressed rapidly
overnight. By the next morning the medical staff
reported that his blood pressure was low to the point
of being virtually unmeasurable, there
was bleeding from the points where needles had
penetrated his skin, and the pink foam of pulmonary
oedema was spilling from his mouth. Blood chemistry
tests suggested malfunction of end organs. His
heartbeat was slow, erratic and interrupted, with only
occasional beats detected. An exceptionally large dose
of adrenaline was administered, as a last measure, by
pessimistic medical staff. For several days, his death
was considered imminent by the medical staff. On
day 12, he showed signs of regained consciousness for
the first time. Over the following week his health
improved, with blood chemistry tests showing steady
improvement. He regained full health eventually. 

I am not a paediatrician. I have not seen the medical
records. However, whatever I know seems to be free
from fraud or deceit. All of the facts above can be
objectively evaluated. If anyone has specific evidence
of fraud or deceit, why remain silent?

Joel Almeida

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 08:51:14 +0200
From: Viviana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Bounces - Just FYI

Netters - the GoaNet equivalent of the Dead Letter File is my
mailbox.  Most of you already know this, I'm sure.

I usually receive about 50 "bounces" each day - some are just
advisories letting me know that a post was not delivered into a
subscriber's mailbox because it is full, others advise me that a post
has been rejected for different reasons, such as Non-Member
Submission, or Exceeds Maximum Length, etc., and still others tell me
that a post has been rejected because it contains a virus.  I'm
reproduced below the top portion of one such message - these messages
usually have 100 lines of gobble-de-gook so I haven't reproduced the
whole thing.

The point is that when I receive this type of message I do not forward
it back to the person who sent it.  So, if you've tried to post to
GoaNet and haven't seen your message on the D-List NOR have you heard
from me, this means that your PC is probably infected.

GN Admin
San Francisco CA


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>From owner-goanet  Tue Jun 18 06:23:34 2002
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Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 16:47:28 -0000
From: "santoshhelekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Matteo Colella

- --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Over the following week his health
>improved, with blood chemistry tests showing steady
>improvement. He regained full health eventually. 
>I am not a paediatrician. I have not seen the medical
>records. However, whatever I know seems to be free
>from fraud or deceit. All of the facts above can be
>objectively evaluated. If anyone has specific evidence
>of fraud or deceit, why remain silent?

I am assuming that the above is what Joel calls "specific evidence" or
"medical facts" that can be "objectively evaluated by people of any

If this is what is deemed sufficient by Joel and others to conclude
that this boy's recovery could only be a miracle instantiated
specifically through the intercession of Padre Pio, then I would have
to definitely believe that all the amazing recoveries that happened
under the old Doutor Curchorcar were miracles. He could certainly tell
a much better anecdote than the one related by Joel above, on how a
man who was about to die recovered immediately after the doutor gave
him a theflaanchem ajuth.

No objective scientist or physician who is not blinded by one
particular faith would conclude that the subjective account of the
case of Matteo Colella presented by Joel above leads him/her to the
unequivocal conclusion that a miracle has taken place, let alone
specifically through the intercession of Padre Pio. 




Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 13:47:08 -0400
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Fwd: Parachutes

         An airplane was about to crash; there were 5 passengers on board gt;gt;but 
gt;gt; only 4 parachutes. The first passenger said, " I'm Kobe Bryant , gt;gt;the 
gt;gt; best NBA basketball player, the Lakers need me, I can't afford gt;gt;to gt;gt; 
die....So he took the first pack and left the plane. The second gt;gt;passenger, 
gt;gt;Hillary Clinton, said, "I am the wife of the former president of gt;gt;the 
gt;gt;United gt;gt;States, I gt;gt;am also the most ambitious woman in the world and I 
am a New York gt;gt;Senator gt;gt;and a potential future president." She just took the 
second gt;gt;parachute and gt;gt;jumped out of the plane. gt;gt; gt;gt;The third 
passenger, George W. Bush, said : " I'm President of gt;gt;the United States of 
America, I have a great responsibility being gt;gt;the gt;gt;leader of a superpower 
nation. And above all I'm the cleverest gt;gt;President in gt;gt;American history, so 
America's people won't let me die." So he put gt;gt;on the gt;gt;pack !
next to him and jumped out of the plane. gt;gt; gt;gt;The fourth passenger, the Pope, 
says to the fifth passenger, a 10 gt;gt;year-old school boy, "I am old and frail and I 
don't have many gt;gt;years left, gt;gt;as a Catholic I will sacrifice my life and let 
you have the last gt;gt;parachute. gt;gt; gt;gt;The boy said, "it's OK, there's a 
parachute left for you. America's gt;gt;cleverest President has taken my schoolbag. 


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 11:20:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] re: Matteo Colella

Santosh Helekar writes:

"the subjective account of the
case of Matteo Colella"
- -------------------------------
Dear Santosh,

You do not appear to dispute the medical facts listed.
Please read my message carefully and confine yourself
to its contents. I am not aware of any of the listed
medical facts being dependent on the viewpoint of the

If anyone has evidence of fraud or deceit, please
present it. 



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Yahoo! - Official partner of 2002 FIFA World Cup


Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 18:25:38 -0000
From: "santoshhelekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Deceit and Fraud

- --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>However, whatever I know seems to be free from fraud or deceit. All
>of the facts above can be objectively evaluated. If anyone has
>specific evidence of fraud or deceit, why remain silent?

Deceit and fraud can be acts of commission as well as of omission. I
submit to you that, by omitting important information on the diagnosis
and treatment of Matteo Collela, those who were responsible for
providing the description (communicated to us by Joel) on his case
have tried to deceive us into believing that no conventional medical
treatment was given or could be given to this boy.

I find it hard to believe that the only treatment that this boy could
receive was "an exceptionally large dose of adrenaline administered,
as a last measure, by pessimistic medical staff". From what I know
about medical staff, even the bad ones don't abandon their patients
out of pessimism. 

And yet this account mentions nothing about the diagnosis or the
treatment. Did the boy suffer from any bacterial infection? Were any
drugs that are known to cure and save the lives of people suffering
from severe bacterial infection, given? Why are those who provided the
supposedly non-deceptive and non-fraudulent case description
withholding this information?

I also find it curious that the entire description conveys an
atmosphere of hopelessness, carefully crafted with phrases like
"exceptionally large dose", "administered as a last measure",
"pessimistic medical staff" and "His death was considered imminent by
the medical staff", to create the impression that this state of
fatalistic inevitability was medically certified. 

Nobody who is guided by the principles of honesty, transparency and
scientific objectivity would provide such a deceptive case description
for "objective evaluation" as has been provided to us in this forum.




Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 00:08:19 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS: Indian PMO says Time article is in bad taste 

Indian prime minister's office says Time magazine article in bad taste

>From Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, June 18 (IANS) Indian Prime Minister's Atal Bihari Vajpayee's
office has decried a report in Time magazine as being replete with material
and factual errors and in "bad taste" and said his competence to control the
country's nuclear capabilities had never been questioned.

The report has already been dismissed by India's ministry of external
affairs as "completely without foundation" and a "completely biased and
ill-informed article".

In a rejoinder to the report "Asleep at the Wheel?" (June 17), Ashok Tandon,
press aide to the prime minister, said in a letter to the newsmagazine that
what it carried amounted to "purely fictitious notions about the prime
minister's lifestyle" and was not just mischievous but also malicious.

Following is the text of Tandon's letter:

(text begins)

Your report "Asleep at the Wheels" (June 17) is in bad taste. It carries
several factual errors and contains certain observations about the Prime
Minister of India, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, which are nothing but fiction.

Mr. Vajpayee is 77 and not 74. His bladder and liver are perfectly normal
and he has an average cholesterol level.

However, there are more material errors spread throughout the report.

Purely fictitious notions about the Prime Minister's lifestyle are absurd
and mischievous. He does not take alcoholic drinks. Comments such as "He
takes a three hour snooze every afternoon on doctor's orders and is given to
interminable silences, indecipherable ramblings and, not infrequently,
falling asleep in meetings" are baseless. A post-lunch siesta is nothing
unusual. However, the Prime Minister's punishing schedule keeps him busy
from morning to late at night with a short break after lunch. Those familiar
with the rigour of Indian politics and the marathon Parliament sessions
which the Prime Minister has to cope with can vouch for his fitness.
Recently Mr. Vajpayee attended a night-long Parliament session for nearly 12
hours without a break. It is ridiculous to say that the Prime Minister falls
asleep in meetings. The use of phrases like "he appears confused and
inattentive," "seems shaky and lost," I am afraid, are, malicious.

Mr. Vajpayee has been in command for more than four years and his ability to
control the country's nuclear capabilities has never been questioned. The
media in India is free and TV crews have filmed him without any
restrictions. We have taken strong exceptions to your one-sided report
designed to tarnish the Prime Minister's image. Mr Vajpayee undoubtedly is a
towering personality and the most popular political figure in the country.
(ends text)

- --Indo-Asian News Service


Date: Tuesday, 18 June 2002
From: "harvey d'souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Another wild goa trip to tivim on sunday,23 june

Hi !

Southern Birdwing, will conduct ANOTHER  "WILDGOA" trip on Sunday, 23 june to 
Tivim.However this location is different from the site selected last week. We expect 
more passerines, and  also the  elusive indian pitta,and  emerald dove....which we did 
not get last Sunday.

Hopefully we will also see plaintive cuckoo, common peafowl,  Racket tailed drongo, 
Bronzed Drongo, grey breasted Prinia and ashy Prinia.

Participants will be charged Rs. 50/- each while students will be charged Rs. 25/- 

Participants are requested to meet at 07.30 A.M. at the start of the Guirim Bypass, 
Outside Hotel Green park, Along the Panjim -Mapusa highway. The birding trip will end 
by 10 30 am.

For further details, please contact Neil on 402957 or 9822158688, or Harvey on 401814 
or 9822149745.

You can also email your queries to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

The field trip will continue as scheduled even if it rains so please bring along your 
rainwear. However, we would appreciate it if you  can confirm your participation by 
email or phone before Sunday.


Neil Alvares & Harvey D'souza,



Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 12:42:46 -0600 (MDT)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] INTERVIEW: Dr Willy predicts short life for Parrikar govt (fwd)

Practically no "severe problem" in Saligao? Far from it! FN


CALANGUTE, JUNE 17: The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) state president
Dr Wilfred de Souza may be the only NCP candidate in the Assembly, but
that does not stop him from reiterating that the NCP represents the third
front, the best option for the people in Goa.

A politician with considerable experience, Dr Willy has served as chief
minister and deputy chief minister in the legislature.

In an interview with Herald, Dr de Souza insists that if Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar could not survive with a two-party government for two
years, the chances that a 'four party' government will last its fully
five-year term seem bleak.

QUESTION: What do you think of the present coalition government in Goa?

It is a mixture of four different parties -- BJP, MGP, UGDP and an
Independent. In the past when Parrikar headed a two-party government, he
went on record to state that coalition governments cannot work. He tried
his best to merge the MGP into the BJP.

Now with a four-party coalition, he has gone from the frying pan to the
fire. He has not improved the condition at all.

QUESTION: But doesn't the BJP have the mandate to rule the state?

No. The BJP does not have the majority of its own to rule Goa.

QUESTION: What about the performance of the NCP? You did not get the
expected results. Do you still think the NCP has a future in Goa?

The NCP was keen to fight the communalism of the BJP and the corruption of
Congress. We were almost certain that the Goan people would choose the
third and better choice, that is the NCP. But for various reasons, people
rallied around the Congress.

The end result was that the BJP could get 17 seats, including Siolim and
Tivim, where in normal circumstances, they would have lost.

NCP is a national party with governments in three states and MLAs in eight

QUESTIONS: Was it true that your party's main aim was to split the
Congress votes, in order to teach them a lesson for snapping the proposed
NCP-Congress alliance?

Definitely not. It was I who proposed the alliance with the basic idea to
defeat the communal forces. I tried my best but the Congress leaders had
the bind hope that they could single-handedly achieve power. If today in
the hour of crisis, Congress has to blame somebody, then they should only
blame their leadership which had no foresight.

QUESTION: What role will your party play in the present political
situation in Goa?

We will certainly continue to follow the principles of the NCP. After all,
we are a middle force between the BJP and the Congress.

QUESTION: Do you think this government will complete its full term?

I don't think so. If Parrikar could not survive with a two-party
government for two years, how can he do so with a four-party
government? In a larger coalition, differences are always more.

QUESTION: During elections, you had promised the people that Philip Neri
would not support the BJP?

I did not make any promise on his behalf, but he gave me in writing that
he would not support the BJP and that he would be with us after getting

QUESTION: Isn't it interesting that you had to contest the elections with
your former PA as a rival candidate?

I won this war. There is nothing interesting about it. I won, he
lost. Simple.

QUESTION: What are the problems in Saligao constituency and how do you
intend to address these problems when you are not in the government?

There is practically no severe problem that Saligao constituency faces at
present. I have taken care of the major requirements like roads, power,
water supply and communications. If there is any other work, then I will
solve it as I have done in the past.

Even in the past when I was in the Opposition, I raised public issues in
the assembly and got it solved. Being in the opposition is no reason to
avoid solving problems. It is the will power that makes you understand and
solve the problems in one's constituency.

QUESTION: Sometime ago, you wanted to bring all socialist forces together
to fight against the communal fundamentalists in Goa. Do you still intend
to take a lead in this matter?

I will try and do whatever I can. In the past too, I have tried my best to
bring all like-minded people together. (ENDS)


End of goanet-digest V1 #4095

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