In an open letter dated 17th June, 2002, addressed to Chief Minister 
Manohar Parrikar, Christopher Fonseca, Secretary of Communist Party of 
India (Goa), has cautioned the government to ensure that the opening of the 
Siolim-Chopdem Bridge is not carried out in haste before ensuring that the 
bottlenecks likely to be created to the smooth flow of the increased 
traffic, in the villages on either side of the bridge, are cleared. The 
letter also says, "While we join the people in Goa in rejoicing at the fact 
that the bridge will be completed and put to use for the benefit of the 
traveling public after a long wait and delay, may we point out that this 
happy development will throw up new problems".

One of the main problems foreseen by Fonseca, who was a CPI candidate for 
the Siolim constituency, is: "The opening of the bridge will cause 
permanent loss of livelihood to the people of Siolim and Chopdem, specially 
those who have woven their livelihood on the banks of the river and near 
the ferry-points. The change is going to be an ordeal for them, causing 
negation of livelihood for the people at the Siolim bazaar, to the small 
shopkeepers and their workers, gaddas, tea stalls, fish, meat, vegetable 
and flower sellers, taximen, tempos, rickshaw and motorcycle pilots, toddy 
tappers, liquor vendors and others."

The letter says, "We propose that the government should conduct a 'spot 
survey' and publish a 'white paper' with a concrete action plan to ensure 
that all those, who are affected, should be duly rehabilitated or 
compensated for the permanent loss of livelihood and opportunity.

  "The consequence of the opening of the bridge will result into congestion 
on the very narrow out reaches of the connecting roads, which are 
insufficient to service this increased traffic." The letter also refers to 
the totally run down condition of the connecting roads at Cunchelim, 
Assagao, Badem, Caisua and Anjuna, which have not seen repairs for a very 
long time.

Fonseca points out that the Siolim-Chopdem ferry boats should not be 
decommissioned completely, but at least a skeleton service retained to 
enable people from nearby areas to cross the river and travel to and fro.

The letter also strikes a note of caution on the environmental front, 
stating, "The Chapora/Caisua River is dying a slow death. The once deep and 
blue river is growing shallow due to the rapid siltation, a huge 'silt 
bank' has been allowed to thrive right in the middle of the river due to 
the crass neglect and apathy of the succeeding governments. The 
multiple-pier bridge has further accentuated this siltation process." Hence 
it requests the government to dredge the river for the benefit of 
navigation, growth of fish, shell-fish and aquatic life, for which the 
river was once known all over.

"There have been repeated reports that one of the pillars/columns of the 
Siolim-Chopdem bridge is defective. In the interest of one and all we 
caution the government to maintain an eagle's vigil on the bridge to 
regulate its safety and use, and a double-check ought to be conducted on 
the 'faulty column'," Fonseca states. In conclusion, he says, "The 
government should seriously ponder over the issues raised here above and 
take steps to rectify the same on a war-footing."

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