Sonali wrote:

>Dont forget Mr. Bush Sr. who puked in Japan or Jr. who choked on a
>harmless pretzel. At least Vajpayee can devour his food without
>any problems.

Here's something from today's The Globe and Mail, (Canada) that I found

Terrorism is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as "use of force or
violence by a person or group against people or property with the intention
of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for idelogical
or political reasons."

Apparently, the United States has just adopted terrorism as its official
foreign policy regarding Iraq. George W. Bush has given the CIA a green
light to "to topple or capture" the Iraqi leader, using violence and "deadly
force" if necessary.

The Iraqi people are no doubt trilled that the Americans feel it is their
right to determine who should be running Iraq, and that they are willing to
resort to terrorism to achieve thier aims. The war on terrorism' continues,
with the CIA preparing to make al-Queda look like the amateur thugs they
Craig Squires, Toronto.

I don't see why there has to be concern in Washington about the illegality
of assassinating foreign leaders such as Saddam Hussein. All the US
government has to do is label him an "enemy combatant" and then they can do
whatever they like with him.
Mike McNulty, Kichner, Ontario

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