Headline: 30 months for teenage drug smuggler.
Source: Evening Standard (London) 21 June 2002, at:

A teenage girl given a 30-month sentence for drug smuggling kept a diary
detailing her dreams of love and making a fortune as a courier.

The Swedish 15-year-old, from Uppsala, near Stockholm, was arrested as she
came through Manchester Airport on April 11, having flown in from Bombay.

The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, pleaded guilty at
Manchester Youth Court to importation of 646 grammes of the Class A drug
diamorphine - heroin - and was sentenced to 30 months in youth custody.

She had been persuaded to act as a courier by "Henry", a 23-year-old
Nigerian, who she described in her diary as her "boyfriend", the court

It was in this diary that details of her plans to "never have to work in her
entire life" were revealed.

Brian Cummings, prosecuting, said the girl wrote about the fees she would
earn from the "mafia" in India and described her feelings for Henry, whom
she had just met.

While waiting for her connecting flight from Bombay to Manchester via Zurich
she wrote: "Me and Henry will make big money from that one. I miss him like

The couple met in September last year after a plan to open a restaurant in
Goa with her mother was thrown into disarray by the September 11 terrorist

Peter Wetherby, defending, said "Henry" had dubious connections and had
taken advantage of his young client.

He said: "She was clearly besotted with Henry and a young, honest and decent
girl fell for the lure of romance, easy money and worldwide travel. She did
not have a genuine contemplation of the seriousness of it all."

The tabloids tomorrow are likely to carry far more lurid details.

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