Hi Dan, Sorry for being unable to locate the details earlier. I'll try
passing your request around among Goan circles, with a hope that anyone
who has the info might be able to help. Frederick.
PS: GoaNetters, if you could help Prof Ojwang, please do. Marlon, there
was some site on the Net (archivesdotsomething?) that had kept historical
records of old sites. Would you know that one?  

On Wed, 17 Jul 2002, Dan Ojwang wrote:

> Dear Frederick Noronha,
> I know this message might come as a bit of a surprise for you, but Peter 
> Nazareth (the Goan-Ugandan writer and scholar) recommended that I write to 
> you. I have been searching frantically for the publication details (article 
> name, website address, date of publication, etc) of an interview that Peter 
> did with Ronita Torcato, and which was published in IndiaWorld (1997). The 
> IndiaWorld archives for that year have, unfortunately, been deleted. My 
> attempts to reach Ronita Torcato have so far been unsuccessful. I have a copy 
> of the interview, sent to me on email, but it does not have the relevant 
> publication details.
> I would really be grateful for any assistance you might provide.
> Sincerely
> Dan.
> =================================
> Dan Ojwang                      
> African Literature              
> University of the Witwatersrand 
> Private Bag 3, Wits             
> 2050                            
> South Africa.                   
> Tel:(27) 11 325 5236 (H)        
>     (27) 11 717 4146 (W)        
> Fax:(27) 11 717 4149            
> =================================

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