Dear friends:

With firm resolve to do what needs to be done, in solidarity with you in your own 
struggles, and
with expectant hope to receive your support and encouragement, we send to you a report 
on the
Public Forum we organized on July 20, focussing on the Genocide that took place in 
Gujarat India.

Thanking you,
Hari Sharma
Feb. 24, 2002
Press and Public Release

The Genocide in Gujarat will not be forgotten

The Perpetrators of Crimes Against Humanity
Must be Brought to Justice

At the end of a 3-hour long Public Forum, over one hundred people in attendance 
approved a resolution demanding that the perpetrators of the genocidal massacres in 
Gujarat on
Feb. 28, 2002 and after, including the functionaries of the State who colluded in 
these crimes, be
brought to justice within the legal framework of India.

But given the past record of judicial processes in India, can there be the confidence 
that the
mass murderers, rapists, and arsonists of Gujarat would ever meet the justice they 
deserve? Those
who organized the massacres of Sikhs in 1984, or of Muslims in 1993, or committed many 
other such
atrocities, are still to be punished. Already the first Gujarat verdict came out on 
July 13, in
which all nine people arrested for setting shops on fire were set free, for inadequate 
provided by the police. Given this background, the Forum further resolved unanimously 
to join
hands with other organizations and people around the world to explore all avenues in 
order to
bring to justice the Gujarat Genocide perpetrators, under the International 
Humanitarian Law,
including the criminal courts in Belgium. It was further resolved to approach the 
Human Rights Commission of the United Nations to recognize the large-scale violation 
of people's
human rights and to urgently intervene with appropriate action. The Government of 
Canada must be
lobbied, including individual members of Parliament, to provide support for bringing 
to justice
all parties responsible for the crimes against Humanity committed in Gujarat.

Organized by South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy (SANSAD), the Public 
Forum was held
on July 20, at the Justice Institute of British Columbia. The Moderator of the Forum 
was Mr.
Harinder Mahil, former Chief Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission of the 

The afternoon Forum began with the showing of Gauhar Raza's powerful film, "Evil 
Stalks the Land".
It brought the reality of the Gujarat carnage close to home, to people's sensibilities.

The Forum had seven panelists: Mrs. Nishrin Hussain (daughter of the slain former MP 
of Gujarat,
Mr. Ehsan Jaffri), and her husband Prof. Najid Hussain of the University of Delaware; 
Dr. Radhika
Desai of the University of Victoria, Dr. Ishtiaz Ahmed of the University of Stockholm, 
Mr. Abu
Ansari, a concerned Muslim from India, Prof. Mordecai Briemberg of Douglas College, 
and of
Canada-Palestine Network, and Dr. Laurie King-Irani of the University of Victoria.

Nishrin Hussain's voice and words showed a tremendous courage in not only expressing 
her personal
grief, but doing so with a calm and heart-rendering sobriety. It was not the personal 
loss that
came through, but the loss of the Gujarati society as she had known it. The cool and 
analysis Najib Hussain gave of the Gujarat carnage, and the manner it was building up, 
made it
clear that the unfortunate Godhra train incident might have only triggered the pogrom, 
that would
have happened anyway under some other excuse. The Hindutava forces were making the 
plans of this
ethnic cleansing for a long time, as a part of their fascistic agenda.

Based on many years of research in the growth of the Hindutava ideology in India as a 
whole, and
particularly in her own home state of Gujarat, Dr. Radhika Desai provided a succinct 
analysis of
the political economy, as it has evolved over the last many years, and has provided 
the fertile
ground for the massive ideological and political growth of Hindutava.

Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed provided the larger South Asian context for viewing the Gujarat 
Genocide, and
the implications it is likely to have on peace in the sub-continent, especially on 

Prof. Mordecai Briemberg gave a historical and global overview of Genocides and Crimes 
Humanity, giving many examples, and especially talking about the Israeli attacks on the
Palestinian people.

Finally, Dr. Laurie King-Irani discussed the many avenues that could be explored to 
bring to trial
the perpetrators of crimes, under the International Humanitarian Law; focussing on 
genocides and
other crimes against humanity. She described the recent developments in Belgium, where 
it is
possible to file a case even if the crimes took place in any part of the world.

Summing up after the panelists' comments and presenting formal resolutions before the 
SANSAD president Dr. Hari Sharma said that the large-scale massacre of the Muslim 
people that
began on February 28 could not be a spontaneous reaction to the Godhra train incident. 
It was
systematic, coordinated, and planned well in advance. The entire carnage took place in 
the context
of a prolonged build up of hatred toward Muslims and Christians, as well as the 
promotion of an
ideology of an exclusive Hindu nation. The state apparatus under the BJP government 
was totally
complicit in this massacre both through active facilitation and through refusal to 
defend the
citizens. The government has continued to hamper relief, medical care and justice for 
the victims.

The brutal killing of almost 2000 men, women and children, the special targeting of 
women for
rapes and savage assaults, the turning of over a hundred thousand people into homeless 
destitute refugees, the looting and burning of thousands of properties and businesses, 
and the
destruction of over 200 Muslim mosques and shrines - all this amounts to nothing short 
Genocide; and must be severely condemned. The Government of Gujarat, and its 
ideological allies in
RSS, Bajrang Dal, and VHP are solely responsible for it. The Government of India must 
be held
responsible for not immediately intervening, and for not forcing the Government of 
Gujarat to
account for it. The Forum unanimously demanded that the Government of India bring to 
trial the
Chief Minister of Gujarat, and members of his government, for their complicity in 

North American affiliates of VHP, and its Hindutava ideology

The SANSAD organizers of the Forum had approached the president of Vishwa Hindu 
Parishad (VHP) in
Vancouver, Mrs. Madhu Varshney, through a phone call followed with a letter, which 
stated in part:

"I was very pleased to hear you say that the local VHP does not have any affiliation 
with the VHP
in India, and that you yourself do not approve of the large scale massacres of Muslims 
that took
place under the full patronage of the state machinery.

You will notice from the write-up which is enclosed here that we do not condone the 
burning of the
train bogey at Godhra, and clearly demand that culprits behind that crime must be 
found and
punished under the rule of law. But this unfortunate event could not justify the 
organized pogrom
that went on uninterrupted for full 72 hours in many parts of Gujarat. In our opinion, 
the VHP in
India and its affiliates (RSS, the Bajrang Dal, etc.) are terrorizing the whole 
society, in their
fascistic agenda of turning India into a Hindu Rashtra. What has been happening in 
Gujarat is
clearly a part of this agenda.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of SANSAD, I respectfully invite you to come to 
the Forum on
July 20 and state the position of the local VHP in front of the audience."

In a subsequent conversation over the phone Mrs. Varshney said that she had received 
the letter,
and that she planned to attend the Forum, at least for a part of the time. But she did 
not come;
nor did any explanation arrive.

The Forum took note of the fact that vast sums of money was raised in North America by
organizations like VHP or their affiliates and channeled to organizations in India 
that are
committed to the formation of a Hindu nation, and are actively promoting hatred 
against religious
minorities and organizing acts of violence and destruction. The Forum urged the 
Governments of USA
and Canada to exercise vigilance regarding the flow of money from their respective 
countries to
these organizations in India.

Relief to the Victims of Genocide:

The Forum noted that relief materials containing medical supplies, clothes, shoes and 
items valued at $650,000.00 sent by the Ottawa-based charitable organization "Human 
International" has been sitting at Kandla port in Gujarat since May 25, and not 
cleared by the
bureaucrats under one excuse or the other. The Forum unanimously condemned this denial 
of relief
to victims as aiding and abetting in the genocidal violence that took place, and urged 
Government of Canada to take this matter up with the Government of India to facilitate 
the flow of
desperately needed relief to victims.

The Public Forum was co-sponsored by:
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology of Simon Fraser University,  the Centre 
for Research
in Women Studies and Gender Relations, University of British Columbia, and the Student 
of Simon Fraser University (Burnaby); Douglas College (New Westminster); and Kwantlen 

And by the following community based organizations:
* Pakistani Canadian Cultural Association of BC * East India Defense Committee * 
Thamil Cultural
Society of BC *Guru Ravidas Sabha of BC * Punjabi Vichaar Manch * Commitee for Racial 
Justice *
India Pakistan Friendship Society * Nepalis Abroad for a Just and Democratic Nepal
Hari Sharma, Ph.D.
president, SANSAD
(South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy)
ph: 604-420-2972
fax: 604-420-2970

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