
This op-ed by Dinesh appeared in the Times of India, and should raise 
considerable heckles!  Needless to say, it is characterized by gross 
generalizations, but nevertheless, an interesting read.


Times of India     August 20, 2002
In the Driver?s Seat of Destiny
Dinesh D?Souza

The conventional wisdom is that immigrants come to America for one reason: 
to make money. This notion is reflected in Indian Americans who say, ?I want 
to have an Indian lifestyle at an American standard of living?.

It is endlessly conveyed in the ?rags to riches? literature on immigrants, 
and it is reinforced by America?s critics, who like to think of America as 
buying the affection of immigrants through the promise of making them filthy 
rich. But this Horatio Alger narrative is woefully incomplete; indeed, it 
misses the real attraction of America to immigrants, and to people around 
the world.

There is enough truth in the conventional account to give it a surface 
plausibility. Certainly America offers a degree of mobility and opportunity 
unavailable elsewhere, not even in Europe. Only in America could Vinod 
Khosla, the son of an Indian army officer, become a shaper of the technology 
industry and a billionaire to boot. America?s greatness is that it has 
extended the benefits of affluence, traditionally available to the very few, 
to a large segment in society. America is a country where ?poor? people have 
television sets and microwave ovens, where maids drive rather nice cars, 
where plumbers take their families on vacation to Europe.

The typical immigrant, who is used to the mind-numbing inefficiency, and 
multi-layered corruption of developing countries, arrives in America to 
discover, to his wonder and delight, that everything works: the roads are 
clean and papersmooth, the highway signs are clear and accurate, the public 
toilets function properly, when you pick up the telephone you get a dial 
tone, you can even buy things from the store and then take them back. The 
place is full of numerous unappreciated inventions: quilted toilet paper, 
fabric softener, cordless phones, disposable diapers, and roll-on luggage.

So, yes, in material terms America offers the newcomer a better life. Still, 
the material allure of America does not capture the deepest source of its 
appeal. Recently I asked myself how my life would have been if I had not 
come to America. I was raised in a middle-class family in India. I didn?t 
have luxuries, but I didn?t lack necessities. Materially, my life is better 
in the US, but it is not a fundamental difference. My life has changed far 
more dramatically in other ways.
Had I remained in India, I would probably live my entire existence within a 
five-mile radius of where I was born. I would undoubtedly have married a 
woman of my identical religious and socio-economic background. I would face 
relentless pressure to become an engineer, a doctor, or a computer 
programmer. My socialisation would have been almost entirely within my 
ethnic community. I would have a whole set of opinions that could be 
predicted in advance. In sum, my destiny would, to a large degree, have been 
given to me.

In America, my life has broken free of these traditional confines. At 
Dartmouth College, I became interested in literature, and switched my major 
to the humanities. Soon I developed a fascination with politics, and 
resolved to become a writer, which is something you can make a living doing 
in America, and which is not easy to do in India. I married a woman of 
English, Scotch-Irish, French, and German ancestry. Eventually I found 
myself working in the White House, even though I was not an American 
citizen. I cannot imagine any other country allowing a non-citizen to work 
in its inner citadel of government.

In most of the world, even today, your identity and your fate are largely 
handed to you. This is not to say that you have no choice, but it is choice 
within given parameters. In America, by contrast, you get to write the 
script of your own life: What to be, where to live, whom to love, whom to 
marry, what to believe, what religion to practise.
Some critics, both in America and abroad, have noted that this freedom to 
shape one?s own life is not an unmixed blessing. Freedom can be used well or 
badly. Some Americans do indeed make mistakes with freedom, as the country?s 
high divorce and illegitimacy rates suggest. These are unfortunate social 
trends, but we should remember that while freedom allows vice its scope, it 
also gives greater lustre to virtue.
Those who have tasted the exhilaration of freedom ? which entails 
responsibility for one?s own choices and one?s own life ? can hardly imagine 
living in any other system. The core American idea is the ?pursuit of 
happiness?, which means that happiness is not a guarantee, but that in 
America you have a chance to find it for yourself. No wonder that so many 
young people throughout the world are magnetically attracted to what America 
represents: they find irresistible the prospect of being in the driver?s 
seat of their lives. So, too, the immigrant discovers that America permits 
him to break free of the constraints that have held him captive, so that the 
future becomes a landscape of his own choosing.

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