National Best Teacher Award
Government has insulted Goans : Uday Bhembre

PANJIM: September 5: The Government of Goa has insulted Goans by 
recommending the name of Dnyaneshwar Pednekar for the Best Teacher of the 
Year National Award, said Konkani writer and "Sunaparant" editor Mr Uday 

Mr. Bhembre was presiding over a public meeting, convened by Adv Aires 
Rodrigues, this morning at Institute Menezes Braganza Hall in Panjim, to 
protest against the State government's recommendation of Mr Dnyaneshwar 
Pednekar for the Best Teacher National Award.

The meeting recognised the services of one of the good teachers--Mr. 
Madhusudan Thali of Chorao--and
felicitated him as the Best Teacher of the Year so that in the years to 
come it should act as a benchmark
as to whom to select for the best teacher award. Adv. Aires Rodrigues said 
that Mr. Thali is a unique
person not only as a teacher but as a human being too, and besides being a 
good teacher he has imparted the skills in Indian classical music to the 
children of the village.

While emphasizing the importance of the Teachers' Day, celebrated all over 
the country today, Mr.Bhembre said that the day is dedicated specially to 
teachers because the field of education is crucial for the formation of 
human character.

He said, "If Dnyaneshwar Pednekar had committed a minor lapse, it would 
have been understandable. But
when a person swears on a false affidavit, to change his birth date, it is 
an illegal and immoral act.
Moreover, when a teacher in the educational field commits such an act, 
instead of qualifying for an
award he renders himself to disqualification as a teacher."

Mr. Bhembre said, "The government, which has committed a mistake and 
insulted Goans, should ask the people pardon for the act and should 
henceforth have proper screening procedure to ensure that the right
teachers are selected for Best Teacher Awards.

Mr. Bhembre further stated that by recommending Mr. Pednekar's name for the 
award the government gives a message to the people that if the citizen's 
political affiliation is with the government, then the citizen can not only 
get away with any immoral, illegal act in society, but the government will 
not mind bestowing honours on him.

He added, "The crisis of character, integrity and morality has already 
overshot its limits in our country. Instead of reducing it, attempts are on 
to increase it. Mr. Bhembre reminded the government "Goa has given eminent 
educationists to the world whose example we can take. If good people are to 
be selected, the responsibility to do so needs to be invested in good people."

Convenor Aires Rodrigues conducted the meeting, which was addressed by Adv. 
Satish Sonak, Averthanus
D'Souza, Dilip Borkar, Vaman Vaidya, Premanand Lotlikar, Dr. Meenakshi 
Martins, Ravindra Nagvenkar
(the President of All Goa Secondary Teachers' Association) and Vaman 
Vaidya. Adv Aires Rodrigues said, "The issue before us today is very 
clear--that high awards should not be politicized and the grade of these 
awards should not be devalued so that for posterity these awards are not 
considered as just a piece of paper."

"If Mr. Parrikar tries to stifle the opposition, he would not be able to 
realise the drawbacks of his
government, which will enable him to improve the performance of his 
government," Adv Rodrigues said. He
added that Mr. Parrikar has tried to stifle the various departments and 
organs of the government which
are necessary for the proper functioning of democracy, and urged him to 
encourage constructive criticism.

"One of the allegations of the present case is that Mr. Pednekar changed 
his daughter's birth-date to
2nd October, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, who wrote 'My Experiments with 
Truth'. At least on his birth
date people in India should have said that we will speak the truth and 
nothing but the truth. Does such a
person deserve to get this award?" Adv Sonak asked.

Writer and a former teacher, Mr. Dilip Borkar, said that he is glad that he 
is no longer a teacher
otherwise we would have been ashamed to go around as a teacher today when 
such shameful acts are being committed by the persons in the most admired 
profession. Mr. Borkar said that Pednekar, despite
being a teacher, changed not only his birth-date but that of his daughter too.

Theatre personality and social worker Premanand Lotlikar said, "If this 
society has to improve, if
future generations should be good, if our country has to progress, a 
teacher has to be a good example to our
students." He also said, "When a small child commits a mistake or changes a 
figure on his markesheet or elsewhere, he is punished; why should a 
teacher, who commits such gross misbehaviour, should go scot-free?"

Mr. Ravindra Nagvenkar, President of All Goa Secondary Teacher's 
Association, disclosed several details of the illegal acts which Mr. 
Pednekar has committed and said that all the facts have been conveyed to 
the government. He also detailed how Mr. Pednekar has obtained promotion 
despite not being eligible for the same.

Social Activist Averthanus D'Souza said that there are thousands of good 
teachers in Goa who have dedicated their lives to teaching but the awarding 
of the best teacher award to Pednekar "is a slap on the face of decent 

Social Worker Vaman Vaidya, disclosed more details of the illegalities 
indulged in by Mr. Pednekar.

If such a person gets a Best Teacher National Award, no one will lay their 
trust in the teachers anymore, feared Dr. Meenakshi Martins.

A resolution passed at the meeting, attended by teachers, students and 
others, condemned the decision
of the government to recommend the name of Dnyaneshwar Pednekar, Principal 
of Chandrabaga Tukoba Naik High Secondary School, Curchorem, for the Best 
Teacher of the Year national award in view of the unscrupulous acts 
committed by him in changing his and his daughter's date of birth by making 
false declarations. The resolution also called upon the Goa Government not 
to politicize the process of selecting people to high awards but to ensure 
that national awards do not end up being political rewards as is evident in 
the case of Mr. Pednekar.

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