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      Wednesday,  September 4, 2002  


CAG pulls up Goa govt for financial bungling 

DH News Service 
PANAJI, Sept 3

The Comptroller and Auditor-General (CAG) of India has pulled up the Goa government 
for the "overall deterioration" in its financial condition, and pointed out that the 
state's interest payment has gone up to nearly 50 per cent of net capital borrowings. 
Its fiscal deficit has shown a whopping increase of 297 per cent in 2000-2001.

"The application of a large share of the borrowing on revenue expenditure has made the 
state's finance vulnerable to source of funding outside its control. Mounting revenue 
deficit, including heavy interest, has left little for investment," the report 

Some of the report's most caustic criticism is reserved for the monolith of 
bureaucratic inefficiency and corruption, the state's Public Works Department. The 
department entered into an agreement in September 1998 with Reliance Salgaocar Power 
Company for supply of 4,000 cubic metres of water a day to the company's power plant. 
Though the PWD should have collected an amount of Rs 6.28 crore for 24.2 lakh cubic 
metres of water from August 1999 to March 2001, the actual water charges it levied and 
collected was Rs 2.17 crore.

"The failure of the department to specify in the agreement the minimum quantity of 
water to be billed has resulted in a loss of revenue of Rs 4.11 crore, besides 
unauthorised benefit to the industrial concern to that extent," the audit report 

Similarly, the government lost Rs 19.58 lakh by undercharging Ms Palm Hotels (India) 
Limited, also a Salgaocar group concern, for water and sewerage for their Mira Mar 
resort. The billing from May 1996 and March 2001 gave the consumer "undue benefit", 
said CAG.

The report also raises a stink over the Agriculture Department's decision to pay Rs 
21.06 lakh for 643 metric tonnes of semi-organic manure, when it knew the manure was 


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