Dear Netters,

In deference to the Month of August being attributed to Goa, by the wishes of Rene 
Barreto, I have withheld this publication.

I ask for assistance from any netter with the knowledge to help with suggestions.

In the goanet-uk newsletter issue 2002-31 Aug 02, 2002 it was boldly announced that 
the premier event of the Uk Goan calendar was taking place on Sun Aug 4.. Attendance 
has averaged over 3000 in recent years.

The last published accounts for the year 2001 show an income of £904.  This just can't 
be right, with each entrant paying £1  making a total of at least £3,000. Cars being 
charged £2, let us say 500 cars being equal to £1000 not to mention the stall holders 
paying for the privilege.  The beer stall actually ran out of beer that year I am 
reliably informed. It was also announced by the President that the Association paid a 
nominal sum for the hire of the grounds.

Now the crux of the matter is that these accounts were passed  - proposed and seconded 
by some friendly persons. They have a responsibility to the members.  I would have 
queried the numbers but since I hadn't attended the function was in no position to do 
so. Further more these accounts were ostensibly audited by another friendly person 
although there was no statement written or stated to give comfort to the members. The 
present Board has not refuted the newsletter that was published giving it added 
credence, as to the attendance figures.

The only avenue left to me would be to query the difference, if indeed there is a 
difference between the last figures published and the ones to come for the current 

Is there any one out there who can make any other suggestion to tackle this matter or 
indeed I welcome the Board of the G.O.A to comment directly on the net.

Thanks in advance,


Gabriel V Menezes.

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