September 24, 2002

PLAN SEEKS RS.1700 CRORE MORE: The tenth Five Year Plan 2002-2007 outlay 
for the State has been fixed at Rs.3,200 crore as against Rs.1476 in the 
Ninth Five Year Plan, an increase of about Rs.1700 crore. The officials of 
the State Finance Department will leave for the national capital today to 
present the demands for Plan outlays. (GT)

RS.268 CRORE FOR I T DEVELOPMENT: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has 
informed that a sum of Rs.268 crore has been ear-marked for the development 
of Information Technology in the next plan. The chief minister was speaking 
at the inaugural function of the gymnasium-cum-library building at 
Poinguinim. (H)

HONEY PROJECT IN CANACONA: Goa will soon smell sweet with honey as the Goa 
Forest Development Corporation is undertaking a unique project of 
apiculture (bee keeping) for producing honey at Canacona. (H)

EXPENDITURE FOR TOP BUREAUCRATS: Thanks to the High Court the State 
government has finally formulated guidelines regarding expenditure of 
officials occupying the top seats in corporations and autonomous bodies. 
The Chairman/vice-chairman's telephone bill is restricted upto Rs.5,000 per 
month including residence and "mobile". Similarly, they have to travel only 
by economy class. (H)

CONFIDENCE OVER TOURIST SEASON: After the last tourist season triggered a 
panic of sorts in the tourism circles, both the government and the private 
sector exude confidence that the forthcoming tourist season, beginning in 
October, would be much better than last year, as far as foreign tourist 
inflow is concerned. (H)

NOD FOR 184 SHACKS: The Tourism department yesterday finalized the 
allotment of 184 shacks on the beaches in the State, including 117 in North 
Goa and 67 in South Goa. The allotments were cleared after draw of lots 
from among those who had applied and passed the scrutiny. (NT)

FISHING BAN CUTOFF DATE: Following the controversy over the fishing ban 
period, the State has now decided to extend the cutoff date from July 24 to 
August 15. (H)

BEEF SCARE IN SALCETE: Saturday's raid on beef imported into the State from 
across the  border has thrown up an unusual problem. Voracious eaters of 
this red meat suddenly found the product becoming scare in most of the cold 
storages, at least in Salcete. (H)

RAIDED IN MAPUSA: Veterinary services officials at Mapusa conducted a 
surprise raid and seized 1,600 kilos of beef from two illegal slaughter 
houses at Camarkhazan in Mapusa. (H)

TOGETHER FOR LIFE IN JAIL: A wish, to be sealed for life with her lover, 
was finally granted to Laxmi Singh when she along with her partner Ravi 
Patil were sentenced to life imprisonment for the ghastly murder of her 
husband Rajesh Singh in November 1999. Rajesh Singh (whom she buried in her 
house) became the third victim of Laxmi's illicit affairs. Her first 
husband died under mysterious circumstances and the second husband left her 
after being brutally stabbed by her. (GT)

CABIDO CANON CHALLENGES: Fr Assuncao Silva, canon of Cabido, Quepem, has 
filed a suit before Civil Judge challenging the lease deed executed by 
president of Cabido Fr Benjamin Fernandes in favour of Ruben Vasco da Gama, 
Verna. (GT)

TAILORING SHOP BURGLED: Unknown culprits decamped with pant and shirt 
pieces worth about Rs.4,100 from a tailoring shop at Sao Jose de Areal. (H)

INFERTILITY, A MAJOR HEALTH ISSUE: Various social scientists and doctors 
attending the international conference on "Socio-Medical Perspective of 
Childlessness" stressed the need for policy makers to seriously view the 
concept of infertility by recognising it as an important public health 
issue. (GT)

OCTOBER 2, A PUBLIC HOLIDAY: Though the State government notified October 
2, Gandhi Jayanti, as public holiday under the Negotiable Instruments Act 
1881, the government employees will have to attend their office for 
culmination of the cleanliness fortnight drive and ensure that the 
objective of "Clean Offices" is achieved in a way befitting the memory of 
Mahatma Gandhi on his birthday. (NT)

ZAIYANCHI PUJA: Goa's famous "Zayanchi Puja" was celebrated last night at 
Shri Mahalsa Temple, Mardol. This is the 89th consecutive year that the 
Naik Phulkar Samaj of Mardol is celebrating this festival. On this day all 
the vendors of "jayo" (jasmine) offer floral tributes to the deity Sri 
Mahalsa. (GT)

FIML CITY: The announcement by the government about setting up a 
full-fledged Film City on the Bhootkhamb plateau, near Keri village, in 
Ponda taluka may sound tentative. However, it appears that the 
implementation of the project might take ages. (NT)

ASSAGAO VP INAUGURATION: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar will inaugurate 
the renovated panchayat ghar on September 24 at 7.30 pm. Minister for 
Agriculture, Dayanand Mandrekar, and Minister for Law and Information, 
Francis D'Souza, will also grace the occasion.

MINES AWARD FOR VMS: The Velguem/Surla Iron Ore Mine of VM Salgaocar & Bros 
Pvt Ltd has received the Subh Karan Sarawagi Environment Award for the year 
2001-02 from the Federation of India Mineral Industries, New Delhi. (GT)

TRISTAO CUNHA ANNIVERSARY: The death anniversary of late Dr Tristao 
Braganza Cunha will be observed in Goa on September 26. The Chief Minister 
will pay homage to the father of Goan freedom struggle at a function to be 
organised at the TB Cunha Memorial, Azad Maidan, Panaji. (NT)

PROMISING SEASON FOR ASTROPHYSICISTS: A promising season is all set to 
begin for star gazers in Goa with the official opening of the Public 
Astronomical Observatory on November 14, the Children's Day. (NT)

MONTEIRO IS SPECIAL PP: Public Prosecutor, Shiral Monteiro, has recently 
been appointed as special Public Prosecutor to conduct cases under the 
Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002 (POTA). (H)

SAHANI IS NEW GOVERNOR: Sikkim Governor Kedarnath Sahani will take over the 
reins from Governor Mohd Fazal by 10 October, with the centre having 
decided to move Fazal to Maharashtra. (GT)


SALCETE HOLD SESA: Salcete Football Club (Juniors) came from behind to hold 
Sesa Football Academy to a 1-1 draw in the GFA's U-19 football tournament 
at Nehru Stadium Practice Ground at Fatorda. (GT)

    23 Sept: Mandrem/Mumbai: MANUEL DE SOUZA (Saxophonist, Cine Music 
Assoc, Mumbai) husband of Yvonne, father of Melody and Petro, son of late 
Andre Antonio (Mestre of Mandrem) and Maria, brother/brother-in-law of 
Domnic/Leopoldine, Joaquim (Musician-Cidade de Goa), Lucy/Benito, 
Helen/Paulo, Perpetual/Jose and Sebastiana/Miguel Paulo, expired in Mumbai.
(Ex-Nairobi), wife of late Luis Carmelito, sister/sister-in-law of Enviet, 
Flora/Everest Gomes, Reny/Marcus Caiero.
    23 Sept: Cuncolim-Demani: JOSE PEDRO FERNANDES, husband of late 
Libania, father of Kenneth/Nazima.
    22 Sept: Varca: FRANCISCO ACASIO BAZILO BARRETTO, husband of Matty, 
father of Verodiana/Peter, Essma and late Mariano.

G O A   W E A T H E R
    Temp: 26.5 deg C (76.1 deg F) at Assagao at 7.30 am today.
    Max temp: 30.8 deg C, Humidity: 72%, Rainfall 2109.5 mm (Yesterday)
    Weather: Not so bright a morning today…rather dull and cloudy.

Courtesy: H=Herald, NT=The Navhind Times, GT=Gomantak Times

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