September 23, 2002

BRUNO FELICITATED: Arjuna awardee and India's former soccer star Bruno 
Coutinho was felicitated at the Calangute Gymkhana grounds by the citizens 
and various social institutions on September 22 evening. After being taken 
in a large motorcade to every vaddo, Bruno was wildly cheered as he 
alighted from a flower-bedecked vehicle and taken in a wheelchair (since 
one of his legs is still in bandages, after being operated upon recently). 
Later he took the salute at the march past of the under-16 football teams, 
two of whom played a short, lively exhibition match. Several dignitaries 
lauded Bruno's virtues, talent and hardwork. He was then garlanded, offered 
a shawl and a lovely trophy designed by former female soccer star Yolanda 
D'Souza Kammermeier. She also presented Bruno a painting she had done of 
Ronaldo saying that Bruno was Goa's own Ronaldo. Alexyz offered him a 
cartoon. The organisers presented Bruno a cheque of Rs.1 lakh while the 
Calangute Citizens and the Calangute Gymkhana offered him citations.  (GoaNOW)

RESPECT INDIAN CULTURE: CM: The Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar, said 
that the present generation should show respect for Indian culture and 
contribute towards social causes, like the one undertaken by "Matruchhaya" 
in providing shelter to orphan children. He was speaking as the chief guest 
at the valedictory function of two-day conference of the representatives of 
the Orphanages at Kavlem. (NT)

DRUGS ACT: Emphasising the lack of awareness about the Drugs and Cosmetics 
Act, JR Agarwal, advisor of the Madhya Pradesh Drug Manufacturers 
Association, revealed an irony, at a panel discussion on "Future of small 
scale pharmaceutical Industries in India". "The Drugs and Cosmetics Act 
does not even define what is meant by spurious medicine…Also, there is no 
provision in the DCA for taking action if a test report of a government 
analyst proves that drugs are of a sub-standard quality," he said. (H)

TOURISM MART: The Directorate of Tourism, Panaji, will participate in the 
3-day International Travel and Tourism Mart at New Delhi from 27 September. 

FAZAL LIKELY TO BE REPLACED: The name of Kedar Nath Sahani, BJP leader from 
Delhi, is being actively considered to be Goa's next Governor. The Centre 
seems to be keen in shifting Governor Mohd Fazal to Maharashtra. (H)

ADMINSITRATIVE CADRE: The Goa Civil Service Officers' Association, Panaji, 
has requested the State government to choose an independent cadre of All 
India Services for Goa even as the State Cabinet deferred its decision on 
IAS cadre at its next cabinet meeting on 30 September. (GT)

LOCALS PROTEST: The second phase of the agitation protesting the merger of 
Santa Cruz with the Panaji Municipal Corporation ended with an interward 
rally culminating at the Santa Cruz Church Square on Sunday evening. (H)

RS.270 CRORE FOR EDUCATION: The education system in Goa will get a new 
boost to evolve a change towards quality education with a budgetary 
allocation of Rs.270 crore during the current five year plan for education 
against Rs.45 crore which was earlier earmarked for the last five year 
plan. (H)

AGUIAR ELECTED: John Aguiar was elected as the president of Ex-NCC cadets 
association Goa at a general body meeting of the Association held 
yesterday. (GT)

TWO KILLED: Two personsMahadev Gaonkar and Krishna Matnekar--were killed 
and three injured when a driver lost control of his truck at Nagargao, 
Sattari, on Saturday. (GT)

FOG AND COLD MISTIFY FARMERS: Farmers from Pernem, who expected normal 
rainfall for a healthy paddy and other crops this season, are bewildered by 
the unusual phenomenon of nature with every morning wrapped in dense fog 
and a sting of biting cold making its presence felt on the hills and 
meadows, in fields and groves. (GT)

FISHING CONTEST IN SINQUERIM: The atmosphere resembled that of a carnival: 
a live brass brand, fishermen dressed in traditional kashtis and draped in 
fishing nets, plenty of fireworks and loads of fun. These were all the 
ingredients that made up the All Goa Fishing Contest organised yesterday ( 
Sept 22) by the Sinquerim Nature and Heritage Club. Anglers from as far as 
St Estevam and Canacona congregated at the Sinquerim bus stop at 1.30 pm 
where the event began with a solemn prayer at a nearby cross. (GT)

PORTENT FOR MADEI: As in the case of the Cauvery, the Karnataka government 
also proposes to build a huge dam across the Madei of which Mandovi, is a 
major tributary. If the Madei is damned, Karntaka will control the flow of 
water into the Mandovi. Going by what it is doing to Tamil Nadu, Karnataka 
may indeed turn off the tap and deprive Goa of its very lifeline. The 
choking of the Mandovi would have very serious repercussions. (Edit in Herald)

THE PAINFUL EXERCISE: At a time when Karnataka and Tamil Nadu have locked 
horns over sharing Cauvery water, Goa has won the first round of its 
crusade against the former's decision to divert water from Mhadei basin to 
Malaprabha river for the purpose of either augmenting the drinking water 
supply source of Dharwar-Hubli region or for generating power. The credit 
goes not only to Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar but also all other parties 
besides Mhadei Bachao Abiyan headed by State Congress Chief Nirmala Sawant. 
(Edit in GT)


PRO LEAGUE: Arlem-sponsored Vasco Sports Club defeated Fransa Football Club 
1-0 at Vasco's Tilak Maidan while Churchill Bros and Cabral Sports Club 
played a goalless draw at Fatorda's Nehru Stadium, in the eighth round of 
the Kingfisher GFA Professional Football League.

    21 Sept: Olaulim: ELIZA FLORINDA SOARES E PINTO, wife of late Antonio 
Jose, mother of Olga/Ciriaco (England), Sr May (Holy Cross Convent, Akola), 
Michael, Adriano (England)/Flavia.
    22 Sept: MARIA ROSALINA LOURDES FERNANDES, wife of late Luis Miguel, 
mother of Lucy/late Gasper, Felicia, Miquel/late Maxcy and Lina/late Joseph.
    22 Sept: Santana Talaulim: ANTONIO ROSARIO SEQUEIRA, husband of Maria, 
father of Sofiano/Natty, Charles, Nov Lavita.

G O A   W E A T H E R
    Temp: 26.5 deg C (76.1 deg F) at Assagao at 7.30 am today.
    Max temp: 32.1 deg C, Humidity: 78%, Rainfall 2109.5 mm (Yesterday)
    Weather: Not so bright a morning today…rather dull and cloudy.

Courtesy: H=Herald, NT=The Navhind Times, WE-GT=Weekender-Gomantak Times

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