TitBits (003)

Swaminarain Temple Massacre in Gandhinagar, Gujarat.

Foremost, personally as an individual, and,  as the  President of the Goa
Su-Raj Party, I strongly  condemn the above killings of innocent and
un-suspecting people for reasons of pure terrorism or religious fanaticism.
I say that this madness must 'STOP' at once.

Having said that, I would like to take my readers back to my posting on
GoaGoans, GoaNet etc. dated 23rd. February, 2002 "Musings - by Goasuraj". I
reproduce the concerned item for the reference of my readers.

"Ram Sevaks & Ayodhya.

After the criminal negligence by the Congress government  which saw the
demolition of the national monument called the Babri Masjid at Ayodhya, the
present NDA government under the BJP's Vajpayee is heading for the same .
Thousands of inflamed, incited and crazed Ram Sevaks are descending on
Ayodhya, primed by none others but our hypocrite leaders in the government
who want to see the Ram temple erected,  calling  it the wish of 800 million
hindus. The 800 million hindus that they are talking about need some decent
food on their plates and some decent clothes on the bodies even if they
cannot expect a roof over their heads.  Advani must have already prepared
the speech that he will deliver to the nation. "We tried to pacify the
Sevaks not to mix cement and lay bricks. But they would'nt listen to the
voice of reason.  We tried like hell, but we failed."'

Mr. Advani, you are the home minister of the nation. You are called upon to
declare this zone as a sensitive zone and invoke section 144 around this
area immediately, whether you like it or not,  until the courts decide on
the matter. If you don't, you will be going down in history as a double
hypocrite. That goes for our dear PM Vajpayee too.  Not a single death
should arise out of this exercise. And you two will be solely responsible if
that happens."

The above sounds like a prophesy, but anyone  could see what was coming.
First it was "Godhra". Then, followed the ungodly riots, which were
deliberately allowed to continue, by the Gujarat Nazi, abetted by Advani and
Vajpayee, directly or indirectly, whichever way you may want to put it. Then
followed the "Gaurav Yatra" and the taunting of the minorities by the 'back
patted' HERO of the Gujaratis, the Gujarat Nazi Narendra Modi,  in the
shameless reference to the muslims in relief camps,   "Hum Do, Humare
 Pachis" (We two, ours twentyfive"). (It is just as well that Mr. Maim Aktar
of Patna has filed a suit against this Nazi for using the above slogan.)
And now, the Swaminarain Temple  massacre.

I, for one, do not see any Kashmir here. I see a direct retaliation. We have
swallowed enough of  scape goats for a long time now. The two, who are now
appealing for peace  and telling the people of Gujarat not to get provoked,
never showed similar sentiments  when 1000 odd men women and children  were
mercilessly and inhumanly massacred during the post Godhra  riots. It was
the ethnic cleansing then. It is the terrorists now.  When the Gujarat
police was deliberately instructed not to react during the riots by the
chief minister himself, what does it make? A love story? Was it not the same
terrorism? Worst. Against your own people?. The police official and the
bureaucrats who listened to the Nazi and abided by his instructions should
drown themselves, or better still,  jump from the tallest buildings.

The country is being led by religious fanatics,  and,  Advani is the ring
leader of them all. He must be stopped by all means if we want the Indian
nation not to be ripped apart. He has gotten away with Babri Masjid. And
that is the saddest part. What is happening is just the tip of the iceberg.
And, with the fuel for the fire that is supplied by the Gujarat Nazi, and
the fundamentalist leadership at the top, Pakistan, our sworn enemy is only
likely to take a huge advantage. President Musharraf has already given the
world the taste of Gujarat in his speech at the UN.

It is some consolation that the NRIs of USA are getting their act together,
not to fund the religious fanatics in India. The decision of the Maharashtra
government to ban VHP and Bajrang Dal is the step in the right direction.
India is a secular country for God's sake. It must remain that way. The
response to the above suggested ban on VHP in Maharashtra  " We  are only
engaged in creating awareness among Hindus in a constitutional and
democratic way". "We are neither  violent nor anti-national"  reeks of
hypocrisy. Ripping open pregnant women's abdomen and spearing the unborn
fetuses is a fine way of engaging in creating awareness. It is nothing but
generating and marketing hate against the minorities that the VHP is engaged
in. They must realize that hate begets hate. The reports in the newspapers
about the Suva national spearing his own daughter mistaking  her for a 'pig'
, is what hate does. You want to kill your own people.  There is no such
thing as religious majority or religious minority. And those who prey on
these sensitive sentiments, must be effectively wiped out, specially, in a
nation that sports secular constitution.

In a nation like India, to think that millions of people are starving to the
extent that they have to eat grass and leaves just to keep  themselves
alive.  And here, we are patting the back of communal wipers who are going
around with yatras to consolidate their position in votebank politics on
full stomachs. This goes a long way in showing our national priorities for

As I have said above, even a single death resulting from the madness of
Ayodhya, it will be on the heads of Advani and Vajpayee. Now we have
thousands of people massacred as a direct result of the policies of these
two men and their sycophants. The Nation should be ashamed of them and those
who are supporting them. If the future killings, bloodshed & miseries are to
be avoided, our political leadership at the centre must change, 'NOW'. The
BJP has played its role and it has miserably failed the nation on all

But this is the voice in the wilderness which will never be heard until it
is too late. Suffice it to say that no matter how feeble the voice may be,
once uttered, it is never lost. It will be preserved in the complex
labyrinths of the universe,  to echo back in the  millenniums to come.

And, as for this particular piece, I shall not use my usual cheerful
 "Cheers" to sign off,  for, there is nothing to cheer about when it comes
to the massacre of our own people by our own elected leaders who use
religion to promote their political careers. Instead, I shall sign off as:


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