* Oct 12: Goa State Strings Orchestra performs at Kala Academy (Corelli, Bach)
* Nov 29-Dec 1: Plant Utsav 2k2 at Panjim (demo, contest, sale of plants)


A technology architect is a person who understands the problem
technically, is able to think of the solution, and create a roadmap for
the products that need to be designed.... The key task here is to take the
idea to the design lab. It is this kind of a background that most of th
esuccessful Indian entrepreneurs in the (Silicon) Valley have -- be it
Pradeep Sindhu of Juniper, Mukesh Chatter of Nexabit and Axiowave, Raj
Singh of Siera and Comstellar or Romulus Pereira of Riverstone


The above was published in VOICE&DATA an Indian mag on the 'business of
communications' (Sept 2002, page 38, www.voicendata.com). It's article was
on 30 India-related tech start-ups worldwide "and how they are building a
new telecom civilization".

We've heard of Romulus, who studied at Loyola's Margao and elsewhere.

Also mentioned in the same issue was Mark Mendes, CEO of Wisor
Telecom. This firm is working on a service management suite. Any idea if
Mark is of Goan origin? This firm has won orders from BellSouth, Verizon,
University of Oklahoma, etc... FN
Frederick Noronha * Freelance Journalist * Goa * India 832.409490 / 409783
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