* Oct 04-06: Natl conf on Alzheimers, Hotel Majestic
* Oct 03-06: Wildlife Week, Goa Science Centre
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com
* Oct 12: Goa State Strings Orchestra performs at Kala Academy (Corelli, Bach)
* Nov 29-Dec 1: Plant Utsav 2k2 at Panjim (demo, contest, sale of plants)

   I agree with you and am surprised by those Goans living in Dreamland (US) who 
remain silent on a very important issue which concerns all freedom and justice loving 
people worldwide. America is out to pull wool over the eyes of global citizens. I 
condemn them.

    Iraq was once a friend of the US. It is they who encouraged Sadam, granted him 
credit to buy arms to fight Iran, supplied him the chemicals he used to make napalm 
which he used in Halabja on the Kurds. 

     The US has o friends but only interests in the ME and Messrs Cheney/Bush are 
determined to get their oil from a puppet government (Like the Ahmed Karzai govt. in 
Afganistan) and be less dependant of Saudi oil. Their economy is driven by the supply 
of cheap oil they have hitherto been getting from their suppliers. They are also keen 
on the Caspian Sea Oil (Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbecistan) with a pipeline 
passing through Iraq to the Gulf to load their tankers bound for the US. They have 
used nuclear weapons and they call elliminate every world citizen ten times over with 
the arsenal they possess. Where are those who opposed Russian counterbalance to the 
gangster policies of the US. Where are those who took sides? The US has been the 
ultimate destination of many who have gone to benefit from the exploitation of world 
mineral and agricultural resourses by the US. They are holding the world to ransom 
with their huge economy, the World Bank and IMF, their Multi nation!
al companies that pressurise the poor to buy their genetical modified grains 
(Zimbabwe) and opposing all progress that we as Asians and Africans and Latin 
Americans have made in the near past. We are condemned to a situation which will turn 
us to beggars with bowls in our hands. Where is God and is he an American. Does he 
have a pigmentation and is he white?

     Oppose Bush's designs and I am sure this world can enjoy peace and prosperity if 
we reject the yoke that keeps us in bondage. 

      I am not agraid of Sadam Hussein even though I do not appreciate his hold on 
power. But men like Batista, Pinocet and Mobutu have been worse tyrants than Sadam who 
had developed Iraq to a standard higher than that in other Arab countries. Bush also 
should solve the Palestinian/Israel problem as they are behind the atrocities with 
their help to Israel.

   Edgar Martins

>      It is becoming more obvious day by day that the Bush Republican
> Administration in the U.S.A. (voted in by the narrowest of margins by a
> minority of the American electorate) is fast becoming the biggest threat
> to World Peace since Hitler in the thirties and forties and the Soviet Union
> in the fifties and sixties. The U.S. has the biggest arsenal of nuclear,
> biological and chemical weapons in the world and is the only nation to
> have actually used such weapons against innocent civilians in Japan and
> Vietnam. It is the height of hypocracy for it to preach to the rest of the
> world
> about the envisaged threat to world peace posed by the supposed possession
> of such weapons by its enemies.
>  Bush says that "he owes it to the world" to go to war against
> Iraq and he and Blair have arrogantly abrogated to themselves the right to
> speak
> for the "international community" or "innernational community" as the
> Americans
> would more truthfully pronounce it! They could'nt care less what the
> Security Council or the rest of United Nations have to say about it.
> Apparently they don't know what's good for them and we should leave it
> to George and Tony to decide. We are perhaps fools to think that it was the
> United Nations and not the United States that was meant to rightfully
> represent
> the "international community"!
>  God help us and protect us from the dire consequences of such
> a calamitous policy!
> Benaulim, Goa:
> 2nd.Oct.2002                    ---Tony Correia-Afonso
> ==========================================
> From    : A. Correia-Afonso
>               542 Pulvaddo, Benaulim, Goa 403716, India.
> Phone : 91-832-772063
> Fax      : 91-832-772062 (prior intimation)
>               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ==========================================
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