In a message dated 10/5/02 9:11:57 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>A note of warning to all who have opinions contrary to US policies.
>BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING U. As I have passed my prime, I do not mind
>a spell in the 'pokey' and hence I can take the risk of commenting
>about anything and at anytime.

Do you think Ashcroft will arrest someone for opposing the war,
Edgar? Let us find out. Here's the test.

I think we need some real leadership from other countries. They need
to take a stand against this war if they really believe in their
opposition to it. They have to resist all the arm-twisting and
blackmail. It is time for humanity to mount a strong and principled
opposition to the politically motivated, selfish designs of a
clueless warmonger and his cronies. This war must be opposed by all
peace-loving people by all non-violent means.



Are Pandurang - dotor!

                                  During the Vietnam War, I had travelled to New York City and saw a crowd running down the Vietnamese and I interjected on behalf of my fellow Asians. The crowd was insensed and I toned down the rhetoric. An elderly man then asked me to beware the arms of Uncle Sam. This was uppermost in my mind when I wrote the above. Before Pierre Trudeau became PM of Canada he leaned towards the left and was refused entry to the US.

       I lived in London and often visited Hyde Park to harangue red necks. But then, I was told that Scotland Yard use this forum to identify trouble makers. Telephones were tapped and the hotbrands were even put under surveillance. I am mischievous and know when to stop.

      The problem Pandurang is that restraints have to be applied from within the US and any opposition by Chirac, Schroeder and Koizumi plus all the Arab leaders like Mubarak and the Saudis will not move the US. When has a little force applied to a rock that is obdurate, made the rock move? America was created on the basis of violence and deceit. They will remain so till crushed like Rome and Cartage. Or they will implode and this is the likely scenario. If Congress, who are due to have mid-term elections next month and when I expect the Reps to lose, vote to ignore the world and permit a Texas war monger to have his way, no other force, not even the UN, will be able to stop Bush. At this stage, if he relents, he will lose face and this a Texas bandit will not do. Remember this impending war (and I feel it is already on it's way) will have adverse consequences to the US economy and loss of faith in the US worldwide. The Viet Nam war ceased due to op! position from within.

        One scenario is if the Iraqi Presidential Guard and the women's brigade capture US soldiers and drag them by their feet through the streets of Baghdad in full view of cameras. Only then will the US learn.

    Edgar Martins      

  P.S. No provocation meant by my use of your pet name.

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