What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: Konkani translation of Satre book, Alliance Francaise
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Oct 15: Magic in town... Illusion India magic show, Pnj then Vasco
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com

   What is he (Colin Powel)rubbing shoulders with a bunch of crooks if he is more 
holier than the bunch (of crooks). Only two (Chenney and Bush) are oilmen who skim the 
cream of the oily black gold. You are comparing a thief who has robbed less than the 
gang but this does not make him any less culpable than the gang. Well let our opinions 
differ. I have no love for that man who is white inside and black outside. It is for 
this he was booed in J'burg when he went there to play the Bush tune on the Kyoto 
Protocol. Many of those who booed him were blacks due to his condemnation of Robert 
Mugabe who I consider right in his attitude of attempting to correct a wrong - 
returning Zimbabwe to its rightful owners.

    If Colin Powel disagrees (finds the kitchen hot) he should relinquish his 
position. He cannot change the mindset of the US guys with skull caps who control US 
policy. He is guilty by association. If India is swayed by Colin Powel over its 
differences with Pakistan I consider them pawns of the US. If Bush dumps him, there 
will be a back lash from the Black caucus. He dare not do this if you know US 

   Edgar Martins
>I would disagree on your lumping of Colin Powell with the rest of the
>oilmen. The Secretary of State has been the lone voice of reason in this
>otherwise fanatical administration.
>He has, on more than one occasion, tried to provide balanceto an otherwise
>skewed international policy, whether it be relating to Israel, Iraq or
>I sincerely wish him well, though I fear he will be dumped by the
>ultra-hawks when push comes to shove.
>On Tue, 8 Oct 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>      America is made up of imbeciles who vote for imbeciles who THINK that
>> the rest of the world are imbeciles. Leading them is George Bush, blacks like
>> Colin Powel and Condoleeza Rice, who are like Uncle Toms, Trent Lott, Cheney
>> and even Ari Fleischer (with his skull cap), Ashcroft and that cabal who will
>> benefit from the war after they rid Iraq of Sadam Hussein and replace him
>> with an Ahmed Karzai or Pervez Musharef who will allow them to take their oil
>> from Central Asia and Iraq so that they can be independant of Saudi oil whose
>> citizens led the Jihad on the WTC.
>>      People do not rule a state, gangsters do. I wish that thieves would rule
>> America as I have more respect for them and not for politicians.
>>      Edgar Martins
>>   I feel glee at the misfortunes of the Stock Market (schadenfreude) as only
>> chaos will make the supremacy of the US the shortest in history. Ghengis
>> Khan, Hannibal, Caesar, Alexander and Napoleon must be laughing in their
>> graves.
>> > > Do you think Ashcroft will arrest someone for opposing the war,
>> > > Edgar? Let us find out. Here's the test.
>> >
>> > What is amazing is, that I am yet to find a person who supports this war
>> > on Iraq. Whoever I talk to, whether at work or on the streets, is opposed
>> > to this war.
>> >
>> > Yet, if you turn on the TV, you get the impression that war is what
>> > America wants!
>> >
>> > --
>> > Tariq Siddiqui
>> >
>Tariq Siddiqui
>My teaching, if that is the word you want to use, has no copyright. You
>are free to reproduce, distribute, interpret, misinterpret, distort,
>garble, do what you like, even  claim authorship, without my consent or
>the permission of anybody.
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