What's On In Goa:
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

Headline: Appointment to top post questioned.

Source: Times Of India. Sunday 20 Oct. 2002 at

PANAJI: The appointment of Rajesh Singh to the post of Director, Information
and Publicity, by the Goa government has run into rough weather.

In a legal notice to Chief Secretary Baleshwar Rai, advocate Aires Rodrigues
has drawn the government's attention to recruitment rules for the
appointment to the post, which confers on him administrative, financial and
statutory powers, by Government Order dated September 30, 2002.

According to Rodrigues, Rajesh Singh does not qualify for the post and
cannot even assume charge of the post. He alleged that Singh was a BJP
advisor during the recent Assembly elections and was appointed as the Press
Liaison Officer to the Chief Minister on contract basis. "From this junior
post, Singh has been elevated to this high post against all norms.
Therefore, this appointment is totally illegal and in contravention of the
recruitment rules and against public interest," Rodrigues alleged.

Rodrigues has called upon the Chief Secretary to revoke the appointment
order of Singh as in-charge Director of Information and Publicity by October
22, 2002, or he would be constrained to move the High Court.
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