Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers will be seven-digit 2XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is the old number).

Goan Engineers and Associates - Fall Meet
November 17, 2002 11.00 - 3.30 p.m.

Pickering Information Centre - Ontario Power Generation (OPG)
At the Nuclear Plant - Near the Wind Turbine
(see below for directions)


11:00 - Call to Order
11-11:30 - Welcome & Introductions - Stephanie Mendes
11:30-12:00 - Safety in the Workplace - J.J.D'Souza
12:00- 12:30 - Keeping Fit & Healthy in the Working Environment - Marilyn Mendes - R.N.

12:30 - 1:15 - Lunch

1:15-1.45 - What we should know about CAD - Tony Braganza
1.45 - 2.00 - The Power Industry - Problems & Opportunities - Tim de Mello
2:00 - 2:30 - A Brainstorming Session on how to take advantage of Opporunities in the Power Industry
2.45 - 3:15 - Communications - Web Site - Job Opportunities -Text books & Learning material - Industry Presentations
3:15 - 3:30 - Networking & Co-ordinators
3.30 - Vote of Thanks to OPG & Adjourn

Contact Stephanie Mendes e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:stephaniemendes@;hotmail.com> to pre-register


The Pickering Nuclear Information Centre at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station.

If you are driving east on Montgomery Park Road, turn right to go towards the station. The Information Centre is on the left.
There are visitor signs posted that should lead you right there.

Tim de Mello, P.Eng.
Ontario, CANADA

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What's On In Goa (WOIG): Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Nov 07 Creative science, for children, Goa Sc Centre (till 16.11)
Nov 10 Corporate summit on IT and biotechnology, Intl Centre (till 11.11)
Nov 17 Goan Engineers and Assoc meet, at Pickering, Canada.
Nov 20 Fr Agnelo's 75th death anniversary, Pilar
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


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