

The Panaji Bench of the Bombay High Court comprising of Justice D.G Deshpande and Justice P.V. Hardas today referred to a larger bench the Public Interest Litigation filed by the Convenor of "People For Elimination of Stray Troubles" (P.E.S.T), Dr Rosario Menezes, regarding the Stray Animal Menace on the roads and public places. The Bench passed the order when the matter came up for final hearing today.

Arguing on behalf of the petitioner Adv. Aires Rodrigues stated that the population of stray dogs/cattle in Goa has reached alarming, dangerous proportions and that the occurrence of dog-bites, and accidents due to stray animals causes tremendous suffering and should not be permitted to continue and that a pro-active view has therefore to be taken to eliminate the menace of stray animals.

Adv. Rodrigues urged the Court to order and direct the authorities to discharge their obligatory responsibilities under there respective Acts for the confinement or elimination of stray dogs/cattle and for preventing and checking the spread of dangerous diseases and accidents.

Appearing on behalf of the Animal Welfare Organisations Adv. Norma Alvares submitted that the stray dog problem was under control in areas like Panaji where People for Animals was enforcing the scheme but this contention was strongly challenged by Adv. Aires Rodrigues who submitted that even the streets of Panjim were infested with stray dogs.

Appearing on behalf of the Government of Goa Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni submitted that Government had formulated a scheme to deal with the Stray Animal Menace. Opining that the authorities had to do much more to resolve this menace, the Division Bench referred the matter to a larger bench in view that there was already a Division Bench judgment banning the killing of healthy dogs.

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