Boro dis,
Bori sanj,
Lui Bab,
Tuvem jhem mhulaim tem tor amim soglea khorea Goekaramnim mhullem ek, panch, dha vorsam adim, 
Goem aiz khoreponni Goemkaramcheam attanim astelem aslem.
Torui  vhell assa, punn chodd noi.
Amim Goemkar tor Goemche' thaim ojeap zatelem mhunn sozmottaum, zalear tem ojeap (magic) amim Goemkararamnim amche ikmottin ani amcheach attanim goddun addunk  podtelem.
Ho'ch assa mojo xhin anim sondesh sogleam Goemkaram  thaim.
Mog assundi.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 19, 2003 2:59 AM
Subject: [GOANET] 1137 members- how many take active debate with Goan Issues??

It's  nice to know that we have 1137 members within the various Goacom members.
How many take active part with Goa issues??
Guess there is something wrong somewhere!!!

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