Would any NGO/Public Interest action groups/lawyers, etc kindly help us to file a suit against the Zuari Indian Oil Tanking Limited to stop the illegal construction of the Oil Terminal at the highest point on the Sancoale Village Plateau?


Dear Sisters and Brothers,

You must be aware that the Government of Goa has decided to shift the Oil Terminal from Vasco da Gama to Sancoale plateau (Zuarinagar) because the people of Vasco da Gama are facing the hazards of fire, security and environmental hazards.

If the oil terminal is shifted to Sancoale plateau, will it not create the same hazards of fire, security and environmental hazards for the people of Sancoale, Velsao, Cansaulim, Cortalim, Bogmallo and other nearby villages?

The location (Zuarinagar) is the most dangerous as it is right on top of the hill.  It is an easy target for terrorists and an invitation for the enemy if a war breaks out.  Being on top of the hill the oil will flow downward burning to ashes the entire villages of Sancoale, Cortalim, Velsao, Cansaulim and other nearby villages and pollute the air of entire Goa killing thousands of people within a few minutes.  It will be even worst than the disaster that took place at Bhopal a decade ago.

Another danger is that the oil terminal fall right at the center of the funnel zone.  The aircrafts fly very low almost touching the tanks when landing at the Dabolim Air Terminal.  The recent crashing of the two naval aircrafts was just a few metres away from the oil terminal.  Imagine what disaster it would be if the tanks were filled with oil and the aircrafts crashed on the tanks.

The oil terminal being on the hilltop, the water contaminated with oil will flow downward into the fields thus destroying the livelihood of hundreds of farmers.  It will pollute the ground water.  No trees will survive and the entire green belt will vanish.

Today nobody is interested to stay in this beautiful village and people are ready to sell off their properties and houses for a song but there are no takers.

A few years ago there was a proposal to locate the oil terminal at Chicalim but the wise people of Chicalim rejected the proposal terming it disastrous and polluting project.

What is not good for the people of Vasco da Gama or Chicalim be good for the people of Sancoale, Cortalim, Velsao, Cansaulim and other villages around the proposed oil terminal?

Why the Government did not consult the local people before deciding to shift the oil terminal from Vasco da Gama to Sancoale plateau (Zuarinagar).  Why everything was decided so secretly in the conference hall of the hon’ble Chief Minister’s residence, Altinho, Panaji?  tt

Why the project file(s) were not submitted to the Sancoale Village Panchayat seeking permission  as required under the Goa Panchayat Rules?

The poor people of Sancoale and surrounding villages do not have the financial resources to fight the giant Zuari Indian Oil Tanking Ltd., which is illegally constructing the oil terminal without license from the Sancoale Panchayat.   No political party or politician is willing to open his mouth against this illegality.  Now it is left to you and me to fight them.  Shall we fold our hands and say” mhaka kiteak poddlam?”  and wait for the disaster to happen?

We must stop the shifting of the oil terminal from Vasco to Sancoale hilltop.  But this cannot be done by talking or criticizing.  The time has come to knock at the door of the Courts to seek justice.   

The Save Sancoale Committee is doing what it can but lacks financial resources.  The Save Sancoale Committee is in need of funds to file a suit against the ZIOTL to stop the illegal construction of the oil terminal.

Wake up dear Goan brothers and sisters.  Join your hands to ours to fight this monster which some day will destroy half of Goa from Salcete to Bardez.


If you wish to offer any financial help or support our cause kindly contact:



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