
GOA SU-RAJ Party wishes the people of GOA and the people of our beloved
India, " Happy 54th. Republic Day Celebrations."

Today, the people of India will be witnessing, through the Republic Day
Parade in our capital city New Delhi,  the display of the might of our
nation to defend itself against its external enemies. We shall also witness
our country's  cultural, linguistic and ethnic bonds that make this nation
one of the greatest nations in the world. We shall also see the display of
the bonds of friendship that our nation has with other comity of nations,
who wish our nation  well.

In his long and eloquent Republic day  address to the nation, our beloved
President, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam has put before us a vision that our dear
national and state leaders have for us in the year 2020. And it warms our
hearts to know that good things and good tidings are in store for us just 17
years ahead.

In recent times, we have been witness to the unprecedented encroachments on
the Secular fabric of our Constitution, which is the formula devised and
adopted by our peers and the drafters of the same that will keep this nation
together in all it diversity, multiplicity and ethnicity with linguistic
panorama and allow it to forge ahead to be the un-paralleled leader of the
world. And it is sad for the nation to see that on this day of the show of
 solidarity of the nation' from within, the very forces that are acting as
the catalyst in destroying our national unity in diversity are  hogging the
limelight and taking the credit for our nation's progress for the last 54

>From the outside, our nation is a figure of a giant tree displaying an aura
of health and stability, dwarfing others in the immediate vicinity. But it
does not auger well for this giant if its roots be allowed to be attacked
and be steadily eaten away by  deadly termites in the name of religion and
majority percentages. This giant tree must eventually succumb to these
divisive forces and  fall to the ground and disintegrate.

Let the display of our missiles and guns, warships and warplanes, men and
resources along with the power of the people of this great nation be
channelised, first,  to flush out the enemy from within before we train them
outwards to defend ourselves from our external enemies. Secured, to grow in
wisdom , health and unity, the external enemy will realize the futility of
engaging with a vibrant and strong India and will want to extend its
co-operation to live in peace. And,   the vision that has been spelled out
for us  by our dear President  will but be realized and fulfilled.
Otherwise, it will remain on the paper that it has been written on, the only
beneficiary being the waste paper basket.


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