
To any Goan the Margao Garden, in Salcete Taluka ,
South Goa District is a cynosure of all eyes.  

The garden comprises of two parts: the Municipal
Garden on the South end, facing the Camara or
Municipal Building and His Highness Prince Aga Khan
Park  on the Northern side, facing the Post Office. 
It was this head of the Ismailis, whose benevolence
extends to far corners of the world,who gifted this
park in the heart of the city to the Goans.  
This garden is appropriately called the "lungs of the
city" as the chaotic transport system which caters to
the entire 30 villages of Salcete and other
neighbouring Talukas pass the garden enroute to and
fro the city.
There is no doubt that the majestic gate facing the
Municpal Building  matches the ambience of the garden
and the facade of the Municipality.  

Today there is a proposal to use the same design to
construct arches at the entrance of the city on all
directions North, South, East and West.
The age old Konkani music played in the gardens
provides a harmonious atmosphere, neutralising the
present cacophony around while soothing the minds of  
those relaxing in the garden especially mothers and
children indulging in recreation in the Park.
The Past Presidents of Margao Municipality with
special reference to late Vassudev Sarmalkar and late 
M. Gaundalkar were so attached to the garden that
painting of the concrete benches in and around the
garden and the park, trimming of trees was almost a
religious ritual year after year. 
As all good things must come to an end the previous
Congress backed Margao Municipal Council,  allegedly 
invited tenders. It entered into a  three page, 20
clauses agreement dated 24.11.1998  on a Rs 10 /-
stamped paper favouring a Goan Contractor, M/s
Multipurpose Industrial Services of Chicalim, Mormugao
Goa to erect within a period of six months i.e by
23.05.1999 a  1.50 meter high (not stated from whether
the ground or elsewhere) "decorative" "illuminated"
fence of mild steel "strictly " as per the design
approved;  besides"other items", (not specified)  to
be maintained for a period of 15 years.  

All this in lieu of  the Contractor being permited
display of advertisements boards as per the dimensions
in the sketches ( the sketch reveals 4x2 feet boards 
and a 30 cms pedestrian guard the decorative poles
ought to be in "conrcrete or metal pole" with a round
globe like bulb on each pole.)  Besides this the
Contractor will pay Rs.35,000 per annum which has
since been hiked to Rs.70,000 per annum following a
public outcry.The repairs to be carried out mention
only the "then existing swings slides etc." 
There is no mention of the fountain  in the municipal
garden or rivulet in the Aga Khan Park, the concrete
horse structures, the benches Hence one does not know
what are the other things the Contractor ought to
Nowhere, it is mentioned that Contractor ought to
construct another  mermaid of a rock and rouble
structure , flowing water fountain that surprisingly
has been erected by the Contractor but was immediately
put into disuse after "Dindi" Festival in November.
Even the lighting which is carried out only on
festival days otherwise sees the bulbs broken not
illuminated. There is nowhere mentioned in the
agreement that the aesthetic structured benches as
seen on the Northern side could be plastered to enable
the Contractor display advertisements thereon. Yet
this has been carried out. Instead of one display
board between two poles the Contractor has erected two
in its place.  This has made the Municipal garden a
literal zoo and families are afraid to move in as
homosexuals prowl the place after twilight.

The Contractor however has succeeded in carrying out
his business.  There are 72 boards on the Our Lady of
Grace Church side with rates varying from Rs.500 to Rs
1500 per board per month and each advertiser has to
take aminimum of five boards. Similarly there are 63
boards on the State Bank of India side. Thus the
contractor earns Rs 1,24,000 per month on all these
boards. Imagine what are his earnings in the next 15
years until 2013.  
This week in the wee hours of the evening the work of
erecting a similar caged fencing has commenced on the
Aga Khan Park on the North side and therefore the
citizens especially the women are up in arms.

We at South Goa Public Interest Action Group, a Regd
NGO, with jurisdiction in South Goa District, having
registered Office at Benlix Bldg, Opp Fatima Convent,
Margao Goa India 00-91-0832-2715269 , obtained the
copy of the Agreement under the Goa Right of
Information Act and rules thereof and were shocked to
learn of the contents of the Agreement as illustrated
above.  A protest was lodged with the Chief Officer
Margao Municipal Council vide our letter
SGPIAG/2001-2002/07 dated 2/5/2001 duly acknowledged
under entry No 1150 dated 3/5/2001  and after much
dilly dallying the Chief Officer, Mr. G. P. Naik
states  in his communique
No:MMC/TECH/F-109/2002-2003/3157 dated 4.10.2002 
without  adducing cogent reasons that "it may not be
legally possible at this stage (though our enquiry was
initiated well within the limitation period of three
years, but for the deliberate delay of the MMC in
providing the answers} to cancel the said agreement as
requested by us.

This has been refuted by us and we have asked the MMC
on 1/11/2002  to place all the necessary documents
with the legal counsel of the MMC along with our
observations and we have offered to find a way out to
terminate the agreement and show how the Margao
Municipality can still benefit by undertaking the job

Surprisingly there is a studied silence from the Urban
Development Minister Mr. Digamber Kamat,  who is also
the third time MLA of Margao.  Some ruling councillors
abolve thenmselves stating that it was the Congress
backed MMC which was responsible. Infact Mr Kamat was
also a Congressman until he switched sides then for
not having been granted the ticket to contest the
Margao seat.  He cannot therefore absolve himself of
the acts of past Congressman. The Ward Councillor XIV
Ms. Auda Viegas in which the garden falls  states that
being an Independent she is helpless and in her own
words the " chaotic atmosphere and commotion in the
Municipality Council meetings  do not provide any
opportunity for redressal of genuine grievance of the

The Chief Minister Mr. Manohar Parrikar, has in a
letter dated 26.12.2001 apprecited the concern of the
citizens and has asked us to pursue the matter with
the Director of Municipalities and assured all
possible help  in the matter.

This year when foreign and Indian tourists visited the
city they were disgusted to see the riot of colours
caused by the gaudy looking boards and preferred it to
be eliminated.

We appeal to the non resident Goans abroad to protest
against this ruination by sending their appeals to us

Yours faithfully,



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