Here we go again with the helmet issue... It was all of a sudden implemented last year. Then after the helmet manufacturers, dealers & the politicians made their money, the rule was scrapped as suddenly as it was imposed. Definitely looks like they didn't make enough, so here they go once again this year.....

Everyone knows that it is safe to wear a helmet while riding because you never know when it's going to be your bad day. You could be riding carefully, but someone else could knock you down, or you could skid due to a puncture or oil on the road.... there could be a lot of silly excuses for an accident. So it would definitely be safe to wear a helmet.

But then besides accidents caused by carelessness, there are those which are caused due to pure negligence of the government.

Before enforcing the helmet rule, there are a whole lot of other hazardous excuses for accidents which the government should give priority to first. To mention just a few: stray cattle, stray dogs, improper road lighting, proper levelling of roads dug up for laying of pipelines / cables / water connections, full headlights blinding other drivers on the road, ban on using blaring air horns which startle other drivers, proper traffic sign boards, direction boards, ........ there are still some more to add, but let the government work on these for starters.

Once all the above have been looked into & then the helmet rule is imposed, then only riders will be convinced that the government is really concerned about our safety. Right now everyone knows the obvious reasons for the sudden enforcing of the rule.

And to all other riders & drivers, each one knows that it is a privilege for us drive & each of us has a right on the road, and just as our lives are precious of us, think of the rest on the road too. Drive carefully, don't over-take without horning, don't over-take from the left side, use indicators when turning.... I'm not teaching you. You know how to drive. You simply didn't get a license without knowing how to..... or did you pay a bribe to get one?
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