I myself am a bike rider & always use a helmet, but that doesn't mean that I'm safe on the road & that it will stop me from having an accident. Let me tell you of one of my bad experiences on the road (that too while riding & wearing a helmet). It happened to me a second time just a few months back during the rainy season. First of all, the roads are wet & then there's traffic coming in the opposite direction, some of them with their lights full beam which reflects on the wet road, as well as on the visor of the helmet, making it very difficult to see anything ahead in the night. And to add to it, there were no street lights on at that particular sharp turn in Sangolda & there was a big black bull sitting right in the middle of the road which if I wasn't riding very slow, would have missed seeing it & rode straight into it.

I do agree with you that it is safe to wear a helmet while riding, but like Mr. Antonia D'Silva said in an earlier posting & I repeat it again, the government has to first provide us with a safe environment.


To all Bike Riders

I thought I should contribute to this issue as a Bikie myself.  Safety is
utmost when riding a motorbike.  Wear your helmet and if its law - it is
good - just do it.  Stop complaining for f.........sake.  If you want to
live you have to wear a helmet.  This goes for the pilion passenger too not
just the rider.


Damian Lobo

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