
 Parrikar has been saying he has no wish to change the
state language. I guess he just felt liked giving away

10 lakhs for the heck of it. This money could have
been used to help the schools or medical facilities in
Goa. Pandering to such issue does not help the average
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Rs 10 lakh grant to Konkan Marathi Sammelan Konkani
mogis lambast govt’s tendency to pander ‘outsiders’ 
MARGAO, JAN 30 — — Government’s reported move to grant
Rs 10 lakh for the Konkan Marathi Sammelan today drew
sharp reactions from institutions promoting the cause
of Konkani language in the State.
The Konkani Bhasha Mandal and Asmitai Pratisthan while
strongly deploring the action of Chief Minister,
Manohar Parrikar to okay the grant has exhorted all
political parties and social organisations in Goa to
compel the government to stop such waste of Goan
public funds. “No government of Goa has the right to
waste Goan taxpayers money on non-Goans’ activities”,
they said.
In a statement, Asmitai Pratisthan president, Uday
Bhembre said institution notes with regret that the
government of Goa under Chief Minister Manohar
Parrikar has always given an inferior treatment to
Konkani as compared to Marathi.
“Sometime back, the CM had sanctioned Rs 10 lakh as
subsidy to Zannta Raza, a Marathi drama on the life of
Shivaji, performed by a commercial outfit from
Maharashtra”, Bhembre pointed out.
He said even much before that, the government of Goa
had sanctioned a grant of lakhs of rupees for a
commercial show performed by “Chaturang”, again a
cultural outfit from Mumbai.
Saying that the All India Marathi Sahitya Sammelan at
Karad had insulted Goans and Konkani, by calling it a
dialect of Marathi, Bhembre charged that the Goa
government meekly swallowed this insult without even
raising a word of protest either to the government of
Maharashtra, which had financed the sammelan or to the
organisers of the sammelan.
“The government is now adding insult to injury by
sanctioning a grant of Rs 10 lakh to a non-Goan
organisation which will be again indulging in language
politics under the garb of literary conference”,
Bhembre asserted.
Konkani Bhasha Mandal’s president, Prof Shyam Verenkar
reiterated its oft-repeated stand that scarce
resources of the people of Goa should be used for
activities organised by Goan organisations and not for
non-Goan outfits.
He said the Goa government has been lately very very
generous even to commercial cum cultural performances
from outside Goa; whereas it has not been encouraging
either activities conducted in Konkani by Goan
organisations to the extent that it does to all
non-Goan organisations.
“The growing tendency of the present government to
give inferior treatment to activities 
conducted through or in connection with Konkani the
official language of Goa should be immediately
stopped”, the KBM demanded.
Reiterating that it has never been against the
development of any other language, including Marathi,
Verenkar said the KBM is strongly against the
government funding the political gimmicks of some Goan
politicians camouflaged behind Marathi.
Like Asmitai Pratisthan, the KBM made an earnest
appeal to all Goan political parties and social
organisations to protest against this tendency of the
present government to waste public resources on
non-Goan organisations time and again. 

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