

Without malice or disrespect to anyone, specially the Sindhi community at
large, it is said that if confronted with a "Double S" which stands for a
Sindhi and a Snake, one should go for the Sindhi first,  for he could be far
more dangerous than the good old familiar Snake. However, nationally, this
rule of the thumb may hold good, specially for residents of New Delhi in
particular, in Goa, Goans should adopt and adapt to the Sindhis but go for
the Snake in the grass with everything they have got, especially  the one
that hides in the green grass of Goa and bites Konkani loving Goans at every
opportunity he  gets. And for that matter, there are many other smaller
snakes in the grass who derive their boldness and the courage  to show off
at the expense of the big brother who not only changes his colours but his
tongue too when it suits him.

To the endless exhortations to Konkaniwadi Goans that Rajan Narayan has made
to do something about the snuff to Konkani maim by these traitors at Karad,
I preferred to give these Marathi Snakes one more chance to hang themselves
at this Konkan Marathi Samelan at GOA. It was indeed, as predicted by Rajan
Narayan, not a literary meet at all. It was a deep rooted conspiracy to
consolidate the position of the snakes in the grass against Konkani maim.
And I was right. We have more than a prize in Manohar Parrikar for the
noose. A spectacular chameleon who can change his colours more swiftly and
efficiently than any other chameleon on earth.  He wants a few more years to
settle the Language issue , Is it? More likely, he needs a few more years to
get re-elected. And that would be easy with Konkaniwadis as well as
Marathiwadis looking up to him as  their saviour. It does'nt take IIT
bright. It takes an opportunist to cling to the chair as much as possible by
keeping both sides in suspended animation.

But the Konkaniwadis must realize that  they will ultimately lose outright.
And waiting in hope that Manohar Parrikar will do something about it would
be a total waste of time. The Snakes in  the grass have a code of honour
amongst themselves. If it was not so, then the king of the  Kala Academy
would be the king no more. Then again, the  white maned ex-Lion and the
mergerist with his tail between his legs would be cooling his heels in the
can for fleecing the bank  that he ran., and , so on and so forth.

And   the Snakes in the grass are ridiculing Konkani and Konkaniwadis by
calling  Konkani, the small sister of Marathi at one  time and  the small
brother, the other time. This  sex change is comparable to the change in
their fidelity towards Konkani.

And after the belittling that Konkani got from Karad, the belittling they
gave Konkani at its own home ground yesterday , the 31st. January, 2003
should prompt Konkani Goans to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. They should remember
Floriano Vaz and others and should not allow their sacrifices to go in vain.

And the biggest insult Manohar Parrikar has given to Goa's Official Language
is by giving away Rs. 10 lacs from the Goan tax-payers to the Konkan Marathi
Samelam, when even the payment of the  bills for the government
advertisements in the newspapers are   held back for lack of funds.

And we would like to know from these snakes in the grass to name the state
in the Union of India which  has  dual official language, that they demand
the same for Goa.

Goa is a full fledged state with a full fledged Official language which is
"Konkani" Period. The government of the day must immediately move to delete
the line in the Official Language Act which gives official recognition to
Marathi along with the state language Konkani,  for its use in government
correspondence. If the government of the day cannot, and will not deliver
the goods, then it must be brought down, for it is anti GOA and anti Goan.
The next government that will  take its place, should come into office  on
the guarantee that the official recognition to Marathi  will be deleted from
the Official Language Act to make Konkani the sole Official State Language.
If it also pussy-foots with this requirement, then it too should be brought
down until there comes a government which will fulfill the demands of the
Goan people.

Goans should forge ahead in progress and development rather than get dragged
in this Language tussle   for ever. They must remember that Konkani was
suppressed for 450 years by the Portuguese with the active connivance of the
snakes in the grass Marathiwadis. It is up to Goans to liberate Konkani once
and for all or succumb to the challenges from the snakes in the grass. Goans
have fought the snakes in the grass before , and, Goans can do it again, to
shake free the  roots of the mergerists and the traitors from the sacred
soil of Goa.  And we do not need  blood spilling agitations to achieve this
goal. Come next election, let us extract a crystal clear undertaking from
the candidates who will contest the elections on the tickets of various
parties. Let us ask them the question :  "WILL YOU SUPPORT THE CHANGE IN THE

And there should be no "GOEMKARAMCHEAM DOLLEANK KHOLE BANDOP" any more.
Like Rajan Narayan has been saying  "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH"  Down with the Snakes
in the green green grass of GOA.  Down with Manohar Parrikar, for, he has
failed in the eyes of every staunch Konkani Goan the day he financed  the
Konkan Marathi Samelan to insult Goan tax-payers and openly ridiculed
Konkani and Konkani loving Goans in front of the snakes in the grass even
while enjoying the unparalleled hospitality of GOA and GOANS.

ViVa   KONKANI!  ViVa  Amchem Bhangarachem GOEM! . ViVa GOA DOURADA

And on this occasion, let us, each and every Goan who loves our mother
tongue KONKANI  chip in to the  "NEW"




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