
AVF made some interesting observations about the mando, though I don't
share his excluvist sentiments on the same. Like anything else in life,
culture perhaps needs to be an evolving concept, rather than one frozen in
time. Just because it had certain connotations (upper claste, Catholic,
suit-wearing etc) should these also continue into the present and
future).  Re the issue below, the clarifications won't come... simply
because people back in Goa and the NRIs are in two different worlds, as it

After I circulated an article on the earlier mando festival via the
Internet, Agnelo Gomes offered support for financial help (I think it was
for Rs 100,000 not 500,000... if one recalls right). 

We need to keep in mind that the mando organisers are mostly elderly
citizens, many of who have never heard of e-mail, leave aside knowing
intricately how it works. They can't pick up the phone and call the
US, simply because long-distance calls are still so prohibitive here
(despite Internet telephony breaking on to the scene in some small
way). They were blissfully unaware of this offer. After passing on a
print-out to one of them, nothing much came out of it. 

Given the situation, this is not very surprising, nor does one need to see
some conspiracy in it.  The people here simply didn't know how to go about
following up the offer, and correspondence channels collapsed.

Maybe an info-mediary like me could have helped. But then, one doesn't
want to be caught up acting like a middle-man of sorts in such complex and
misunderstanding-prone deals. Its perhaps more important to do one's prime
task -- writing in a way that hopefully brings  about a better
understanding of the situation.

Agreed, Goans in Goa and those overseas are living in two different
worlds. The ultra-slow pace here and the extra-fast pace elsewhere also
contributes to the mismatch. If anyone would like to make an offer of
support to the mando organisers, the best way to do so would probably be
to phone Filipe Dias at Falcon Beach Resort on 0091.832.2277363


From: "A. Veronica Fernandes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

For this year’s function like last time, Kuwait Konknni Kendr rendered its 
patronage in the form of prize money while rest of the expatriate Goans who 
are shouting at the top of their voices claiming their Goan-ness failed to 
support the event.  It is a pity that none of the other Goan associations 
spread all around the world gave any contribution for the promotion of such 
a marvelous Goan traditional and cultural function.  While on this topic, 
besides KKK, Agnelo Gomes from USA allocated about 5 laks of rupees purely 
for the patronage of Mando Festival in Goa.  But according to one source, 
inspite of Agnelo’s instruction none of the members of the Mando Festival 
organizers tried to get this fund released.  Is it because the organizers 
are gone crazy to refuse patronage or there is some goof somewhere?  I am 
really surprised why such a beautiful offer was not utilized by the 
organizers of the Mando Festival.  I insist that Philip Dias or Isac Dias 
from the organizing committee should come out with real truth behind this 
sad episode.  In one way to beg for funds and in other way to refuse it is 
something dilemmatic.  Agnelo Gomes is a charitable man and a philantropist 
too, he is all for Goa and Goan causes.  By neglecting his good offer Mando 
Festival organisers should not give an impression of demoralising Agnelo 

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