

Currently William de Curtorim is the most powerful tiatrist as political singer. Because of his popularity among the tiatr goers he is become the darling of the audience. The importance of his current running tiatro in Goa lies totally on him, he is like a one-man industry, his tiatro means “William de Curtorim” even though his colleagues are doing good job in all respects. Though there are no big names in his tiatro yet because of his fame people flock to see his tiatro. Earlier we saw how one man industry like J. P. Souzalin, Alexinho de Candolim, M. Boyer and Prem Kumar used to attract the attention of the audience. In the same manner William de Curtorim is currently doing. Unfortunately many of his colleagues and his so-called friends in the tiatro circle are jealous of hi fame.

On 5th of January I had an opportunity to attend his Tiatro at Mapusa that was watched by the capacity crowd. Among the audience Congress MLA Dayananda Narvenkar also attended as chief guest. When during the interval Narvenkar came to the stage to say a few words, he lambasted the police and all the forces behind them who earlier reprimanded and stopped William de Curtorim from singing two political songs. Narvenkar even went on saying that in democracy such brutalities of police are not tolerated and said he himself was surprised to see police are also coming and sitting in the hall during William de Curtorim’s tiatro.

Now while appreciating Dayananda Narvenkar’s support for William de Curtorim and for free speech, I request if not demand, Dayananda Narvenkar during the next Goa Legislative Assembly session to raise this question in the Assembly and get proper explanation from the Minister concerned. There should be thorough enquiry thru proper channel why the Mapusa Police summoned William de Curtorim to Police Station and reprimanded him. It should be found out who instructed Mapusa Police Station to summon William de Curtorim or is it just a gimmick of Mapusa Police Station to make them important like Portuguese Agente Monteiro? Anyway in this whole episode William de Curtorim became a big Hero – courtesy Mapusa Police Station – and in the bargain Dayananda Narvenkar gained goodwill from the public. Earlier the same William de Curtorim in his songs bombarded Narvenkar (Montri Hospitalan Nidlet etc). It was a God given opportunity for Narvenkar also to brighten his image already soiled earlier by William de Curtorim’s songs. If Dayananda Narvenkar is really true to his own self and true to his support to William de Curtorim and true to freedom of speech then he will raise this issue in the Goa Legislative Assembly openly so that lovers of freedom of speech and lovers of William de Curtorim and Tiatro will admire Narvenkar otherwise Dayananda Narvenkar will prove how cunning he is.

On 9th of January Herald daily published my article in support of William de Curtorim and in condemnation of Mapusa Police Station for reprimanding William de Curtorim. During the next 48 hours at my residence I received number of telephone calls among them from some Rostad Tiatrists who showed their total contempt for my support to William de Curtorim. From these calls I realized how these Rostad Tiatrists are jealous of William de Curtorim’s fame which, if William de Curtorim maintains properly, will never diminish, let heaven fall from the sky. William should know that his greatest enemies are not Goa Police and Goa Government and politicians but his own Rostad Tiatrists colleagues who are all out to downgrade him. Because of such envy in tiatro circle tiatro is on the verge of death. And by the way who is killing tiatro in Goa? None other than jealous and Rostad tiatrists. William should not give them chance to play their mischief. Inspite of some of his flaws William de Curtorim is become currently the darling of crowd, he is feared by the Government, what stupid opposition MLA’s cannot do in Goa Legislative Assembly, one man William de Curtorim is doing and that too beyond Assembly forum that is from the Konkani Stage – Hail Konkani Stage. William de Curtorim is the need of the hour, Goa needs him, Konkani needs him, Goan depressed and meek people need him. The only thing I request him is not to malign the wives of politicians or the wives of those whom he criticizes.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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