
Dear Aldonkars,

The aldona-net@yahoogroups has been created specially to provide a forum 
for aldonkars and aldona institute members to interact positively. The 
operative word is POSITIVE. If there has to be criticism,so be it.Let the 
one criticising something also propose a possible solution and suggest 
how he or she is willing to help achieve the solution. At the risk of 
appearing pompous,I will cite my own example. I insisted that the 
President,Secretary and Treasurer of the Aldona Institute should be 
elected by the General Body.There were no takers for the post of the 
Treasurer.I did not run away when asked to shoulder the responsibility. 
In fact,I spent quite a few evenings assisting the internal auditors to 
complete the audit of two financial years.With help from other members we 
were able to resolve major issues left unexplained in the account 
books.We put it to the General Body.Procedural errors (some even causing 
avoidable loss to the Institute) were condoned by the majority present 
and voting.A small balance (less than Rs.30,000/-) is now in the process 
of recovery through the good offices of the Board of Trustees. The 
accounts can then be audited by a Chartered accountant as decided in 
May,2000,but left undone for the last two years. The problem will not 
continue.Future office bearers will pay more attention to details or pay 
for the errors.Accountability is being institutionalised as it should 
have been
We had quite a spirited discussion the other day whether Principal Edward 
Soares contributed anything to the cause of education in Aldona. I did 
not think that there were two opinions on that.There are. As far as I 
know,Edward Soares founded the St.Thomas School ( then a co-ed and 
undivided into two entities that exist now ;one run by AC nuns and the 
other by MSFS priests ).At least two freedom fighters,Joaquim Godinho and 
James Fernandes,were teachers in that school.(James Fernandes retired as 
a lecturer in English from St.Xavier's College,Mapusa).The students of 
the school came not only from Aldona,but also from Nachinola,Tivim 
,Assonora and even Chorao.The main road entering Aldona from Panarim to 
Tercena via the old school building is named after Principal Edward 
Soares.The Aldona Institute's award for the SSC toppers in the schools in 
Aldona and Corjuem is named after him. My appeal is limited to increasing 
the corpus fund of the scolarship so that the students get a significant 
amount in the current context.The amount available per topper at 6.5% 
interest on FDRs will be about Rs.100/-(Currently it is Rs.200/- and not 
enough to give anything more than a certificate and a small memento). My 
interest is not so much in perpetuating a name as it is in encouraging 
the young achievers. I hope that by the next General Body meeting we will 
have contributions (in multiples of Rs.100/-) from many donors to have a 
corpus of at least Rs.20,000/-. A person who joins B.E. gets an award of 
Rs.1000/-. It does not make sense to give a SSC topper peanuts. Lets have 
your views and ,hopefully, your contributions to the corpus. Miguel

P.S. Please inform other Aldonkars/members of A.I. about the yahoogroups
forum .Let us have interaction  

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