
'Patang' Flies High at One Act Konkani Play
Competition in Kuwait

'Patang' directed by Joe Ferreira (Assolna) bagged the
first prize for the best performance at the 2nd annual
Konkani One Act Play Competition, organized by United
Club of Utorda-Kuwait (UCU), in association with Goan
Welfare Society (GWS)-Kuwait.

'Khoro Monis' by Salu Faleiro (Betalbatim) and
'Xermavn' by Lancy Rodrigues (Mungllur) were judged
'first runner' and 'second runner-up prize winners by
panel of judges to the affirmative nod of the
audience. Consolation prizes were awarded to 'Jivit Ek
Odruxtt' by Mariano Lucas Diniz (Canacona) and 'Ho
Neai Koslo'? directed by Domnick Araujo (Santa Cruz)
and written by Maria Rodrigues (Mandur). Donald Colaco
who played the role of Rainer and Jane Colaco who
excelled in  her role as Vinola in 'Patang' drama were
adjudged the best male and female actors respectively.
Best script and Best Director awards were bagged by
Joe Ferreira for his drama 'Patang' and Salu Faleiro
'Khoro Monis'  respectively. Best stage setting went
to 'Khoro Monis'

The president of UCU, Chequinho Fernandes introduced
the chief guest Tony Cordeiro and Guest of honor
Filomena Cordeiro and welcomed the audience. In his
brief speech, the chief guest congratulated and
praised the organizers and members of the UCU. 

The songs in the interlude by renowned Konkani stage
professional and new artistes. It was a great opening
for the new artistes to display their hidden talents.
The trio 'Maim Bhas Konkani'  by young blooming buds -
Jonathan-Clifford-Terence - received tremendous
applause from the audience as well as the trio
'Konkani Potram Sompli' sung by Three Utord'dekars Joe
Frank-Laurente-Bernard. Michael D'Silva's song
'Mitai-i Pitai-i' encored many times. Award winner Bab
Agnel's solo 'Padricho Xermanv’ also well received.
Duo 'Devak Zap' by Seby Mask and Seby Ferns and
'Apovnnem' by Sylvester-Laurente created good impact,
so too the duets of Ronnie-Jasmine 'Bagi Dis Ho Amchea
Lognnacho'. and Donald-Jane's 'Tujem Borem Zanv'
dazzled the audience. Mario de Majorda's 'Xidkavnni',
Domnick's 'Khoxtt', Edward Estibeiro's 'Celina' , Joe
Frank's opening song 'Monxeachi Ass' and Sylvester Vaz
'Avoi-Bapui' kept the audience regaled.

The panel of Judges comprised of Judy Rodrigues,
Cajetan de Savordem, Jennifer Rod, Anthony
Corriea-Pienkar, and Roque Soares. 

UCU General secretary Richard Socorro Rodrigues
proposed the vote of thanks.The much awaited results
were announced by Chequinho Fernandes, and followed by
the Treasurer Nicolau Rodrigues handing over the
glittering trophies at the hands of the guest of honor
Filomena Cordeiro. 

The show was compered by well known Konkani writer and
poet Lino Dourado, and kept the crowd rolling with his
super series of questions in "Amchea Vichar-Tumchi
Zap" and humorous jokes. This competition was
dedicated to Shennoi Goembab (Father of Konkani
Literature) and Dr. Jack de Sequeira (Father of
Opinion Poll) and a minute silence was observed in
their memory. 

The musical score throughout the competition was
provided by Shahu and sound provided by Thomas. It
would be worth mentioning that among the audience, a
wide spectrum of Konkani lovers, delighted by the new
faces on the Konkani stage, confirmed this writer's
view that as in the past, Konkani has been nurtured in
Kuwait with the support of the Goan and the
Mangalorean community.

Courtesy by : www.goa-world.net



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