
From: Stephanie Mendes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi everyone!

Thanks to those of you who have expressed interest in
the meeting this Sunday. I just wanted to confirm
that the meeting is a go. I don't expect the weather
to be a factor this time! The agenda for Sunday is as

11-11:30 - Welcome & Introductions ( S. Mendes &
participants will introduce themselves)
11:30-12:00 Safety in the Workplace (JJD'S)
12:00- 12:30 Keeping Fit & Healthy in the Working
Environment ( Marilyn Mendes - Registered Nurse)
12:30 - 1:15 - Lunch (Stephanie will order Pizza )
1:15-1.45 - What we should know about CAD (Tony
1.45 - 2.15 - The Power Industry - Problems &
Opportunities ( Tim De Mello to lead off
2.15 - 2.45 - Communications - Web Site - Job
Opportunities -Text books & Learning material -
Industry Presentations
2.45- 3.00 - Networking & Co-ordinators
3.00 END - Vote of Thanks to OPG

I look forward to seeing everyone there! If you are
planning on coming and haven't contacted myself, John
D'Souza, or Tim de Mello, please send me a quick email
so that we know approximate numbers.

Stephanie Mendes

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