

Transport Minister Pandurang Madkaikar has been urged by Adv. Aires Rodrigues to immediately notify the two exemptions to the helmet rule as mooted by the former Transport Minister Pandurang Raut in consultation with Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar.

Adv. Rodrigues has stated that the two exemptions to the helmet rule as proposed in March 2001 was for persons driving motorcycles at a speed not exceeding 40 km and persons driving motorcycles in municipal areas. Adv. Rodrigues has further stated that he has prevailed on the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) to defer the agitation by two-wheeler riders scheduled to start from tomorrow and to give Transport Minister Madkaikar an opportunity to resolve this issue once for all.

Adv. Rodrigues has said that it should be left to the two wheeler riders to decide for themselves whether to wear a helmet or not and that the authorities should instead work in dealing with the causes of accidents by making the roads safer inorder to save lives. Adv. Rodrigues wondered whether the helmet issue was being raked time and again by certain police and transport department officials for monetary
gains in connivance with the helmet manufacturer's lobby.

Adv. Rodrigues has further stated that the authorities are conveniently magnifying the figures of two wheeler riders killed not wearing helmets but have remained silent on those killed inspite of wearing helmets and the hundreds of bicycle riders and pedestrians killed every year due to our accident prone roads. Adv. Rodrigues has stated that the authorities should fix the causes of accidents and not merely project a false theory that lives would be saved by wearing helmets when no steps are being taken to make the roads safer and that even our National Highways are infact city roads passing through congested schools, houses and markets creating safety hazards.

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