
February 10, 2003

MID-DAY MEALS SUSPENDED: After being compelled to review the operation of the mid-day meal scheme (for primary school students) due to complaints about the quality of the food items, the government has decided to effect a couple of changes in the menu and suspend its operation in Bicholim and Canacona talukas. The authorities have decided to drop "bun pao" and cake from the list of the six items, which were being distributed to the students in primary schools and substitute it with "shankerpalli" and "mugacho ladu". (GT)

TANZANIAN HELD WITH COCAINE: A Tanzanian national, who had allegedly hidden a packet of cocaine in his underwear, was nabbed on February 10 by the Anti-Narcotic Cell at Calangute outside a hotel at Naikavaddo. The search revealed a polythene bag containing 31 grams of cocaine, valued at Rs.1.24 lakh in the international market. (GT)

MORMUGAO COUNCILS MUSICAL CHAIR GAME: In a fresh twist to the game of musical chair in the Mormugao Municipal Council, its president, Milton C Barreto, who is on the verge of being ousted, has now joined hands with his predecessor, Carlos Almeida. (GT)

MALA RESIDENT FATALLY KNOCKED DOWN: One Bala Salgaonkar of Mala in Panjim was killed after he was knocked down by a car near the General Post Office on Sunday. The car was being driven by one AM D'Costa. (H)

HINDU JANAJAGRUTI MORCHA: A procession under the banner of Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Bicholim, was held to awaken others against those who are defying Hinduism. In a press note, the Samiti stated that there are some including the Hindus themselves who are denigrating their deities and saints and national figures through the media, dramas, advertisements and discourses. (GT)

DEVELOPMENT WORKS IN GUIRIM: Major developmental works are underway in Guirim due to the initiatives taken by the Sarpanch Carmeline Menezes and her members of the panchayat. The foundation for the overhead tank at Arradi-Guirim was laid on R-Day by Dr Wilfred de Souza, MLA. Other works include the Arradi to Parra junction and a community hall at the panchayat ghar. (GT)

DEVELOPMENT WORK IN SANCOALE: The Cortalim MLA, Matanhy Saldanha, has urged the residents of Sancoale to report to his office, in writing, before February 24 of any development activities to be undertaken in their locality. (H)

POULTRY UNITS IN ASSAGAO: Minister for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, Dayanand Mandrekar, distributed poultry units worth Rs.500 each to 30 beneficiaries at a function organised at the Assagao village panchayat office recently. (H)

BAG LIFTERS' GANG BUSTED: The Panaji Town Police busted a gang of four bag lifters in Panjim on February 9. The police arrested Raju Poojari, who during the course of investigation revealed that along with him there is a gang of three engaged in lifting bags from cars. The accused had hired a room in a city hotel and one of them every morning, with the help of a duplicate key, used to open the car doors to lift the bags. To avoid any suspicion, he always accompanied a woman, who used to stand in front of the car. (NT)

NATIONAL ARTIST CAMP: Lalit Kala Academy, new Delhi, will organise its National Artist Camp in collaboration with the Kala Academy from 14 to 20 February at the Rehearsal Hall of the Academy. The aim of the camp is to try and understand the different techniques and creativity in paintings. (GT)

RESTRUCTURING OF FINE ART COURSE: The Goa College of Art is on the verge of a major academic transition in its curriculum beginning June 2003. The present five-year course (either Painting or Applied Art) after SSCE, will now be replaced by a new course of four years after the twelfth standard of HSSC examination. (GT)

1.30 LAKH POLIO DOSES: A total of 1.30 lakh children were administered polio doses under the second phase of the national pulse polio programme in over 500 centres in Goa. (GT)

BAILANCHO SAAD PAYS TRIBUTES TO KALPANA: Bailancho Saad launched its month-long International Women's Day celebrations on February 8 by paying tributes to Kalpana Chawla, the first Indian-born woman into go to space. (H)

PADGAONKAR ATTENDS POETS' MEET: Prakash Padgaonkar, a well-known Konkani poet attended the South Indian poets' meet at Thunchan Memorial Trust, Tirur, Kerala recently. At the meet Padgaonkar presented two papers: "History of Konkani Language and its Literature" and "My Poetry, My Message", for which he was invited by the South Zone Cultural Centre, Thanjavur and Department of Culture, Government of Kerala. The meet was literary festival of six languages: Konkani, Kannada, Tulu, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. (H)

FISHING V/S SPORTS: "The fishermen should always come first. Because fishing activity is all about ensuring that Goans can continue to enjoy their "xit-codi", never mind that all the prime catch now either goes to the starred hotels or is exported. The fact remains that the beaches and their environs have been the home of the fisherfolk for centuries and they should be given priority. It is fishermen and fishing activity that should enjoy pride of place in any beach management plan or tourism promotion including the licensing of water sports activities. On the face of it, the basic conflict (at the Coco Beach) would appear to be between water sports and fishing. But, on the ground, it is more complicated than that." (Edit in Herald)

THE NEED TO EMPOWER KONKANI: "I am genuinely worried about the future of the Konkani language despite the recent advances made by the Konkani publishing, theatre and music industries. Sixteen years have passed. The official language act has not empowered it to dominate the cultural, social and economic spheres of Goa. The flow of crores of rupees which was promised after its inclusion in the Eighth Schedule of our Constitution has not materialized. Organisations devoted to Konkani educational language, literature have to exclusively depend on the Goa government. There are very few supporters outside Goa, among the NRIs who are willing to contribute substantially and consistently. Probably focused efforts have not been made in that direction." (Nandkumar Kamat, Glimpses-NT)

"CANCOES PORTUGUESAS": The Indo-Portuguese Friendship Society, Goa, in collaboration with Fundacao Cidade de Lisboa, will be organising "Noite de Cancoes Portuguesas" at Club Vasco da Gama, Panaji, on 15 February at 8.00 pm. (GT)


GOA WOMEN ENTER FINALS: Goa women defeated Chhattisgarh by eight wickets in the semi-final of eleventh Federation Cup tennis ball cricket in Jammu. They meet Bihar in the finals. (NT)

SHARDA MANDIR WIN GERMANIA TITLE: Ilyas Naroo's brilliant all-round performance (70 not out and 3-21) enabled Sharda Mandir, Mira Mar, score a comfortable 30-run victory over Progress, Panaji, and lift the all-Goa under-16 inter-school cricket Germania Trophy at Campal. (NT)

08 Feb: Margao: MARIA FILOMENA GOMES E SOUZA, wife of Nelson, mother of Hugo and Lia.
09 Feb: Cuncolim: LOURENCINA COUTINHO E FERNANDES, wife of late Mariano, mother of late Vermilla/late Aluiz, late Miss Enviet, Flora/Everest Gomes, Reny/Marcus Caiero.
06 Feb: Varca: AVESON JULIANO RODRIGUES (Purser Officer, SCI) husband of Delma, father of Dr Jandy/Dr Mario, Joyvyan, Jacketta.
09 Feb: St Inez: XERIFAM BI SHAIKH, wife of late Shaik Ussen, mother-in-law of Ashraf Agha, mother of Sheikh Jameel Ahmed, Dafia bi Agha, Abdul Malak, Abdul Odud, Abdul Caiumo and Khurshid.

Temp: 22.7 deg C (72.9 deg F) at 09.00 am in Assagao.
Max Temp: 35.2 deg C, Humidity: 60% (Official figures for yesterday)
Weather: The morning is cool in Goa today.

Courtesy: H=Herald, NT=The Navhind Times, GT=Gomantak Times

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