Hi Miguel,

  I'm not sure how your email got to me, but I have to reply..

  While you may have your statistics, it still doesn't detract from the fact that helmets save lives. This is a foregone conclusion, proven the world over, so let's not go backward. I'm a doc & I should know. I've seen enough head injuries that would have been alive had they been wearing a helmet. All the measures you suggest are laudable, but they will take time. They should definitely be implemented, but in the meantime, let's start wearing helmets. And yes, all 4-wheeler drivers should compulsorily wear seat belts. Another life-saver.


 Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Dear Mervyn,
Physics and biology are not arithmetic.If a slow moving truck rolls over a
stationary motorbike,the rider and piliion would be as dead as a dodo.It is
no consolation to them if their heads are intact.They may look pretty in the
coffin.That's no use to the owner of that intact head.
Traffic discipline--right of way,speed limit,traffic lights,one way
streets,overtaking on the left,drunken driving,doped driving,juvenile
riders/drivers--- is what needs attention.Just good roads,good laws and good
cops wont do. Each one must do his or her part. See the police
statistics...71% accidents due to rash driving,61% accidents on straight!
roads(41% of them on highways that constitute only5% of the road length in
Goa.).It's no joke.
No vehicle should be hired to an unlicenced driver/rider.
No child below 18 years of age should be allowed to register a geared
vehicle in his/her name.Hirers and parents who help violate the law should
be prosecuted as abettors to the crime.The statistics of accidents will
nosedive to single digits in a year. Any takers.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mervyn Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 02, 2003 6:46 AM
Joel D'Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: >
> > The meeting vowed to strongly oppose any attempt to
> > make use of helmets
> > mandatory and expressed regret that the authorities
> > instead of trying to
> > fix the causes of accidents are merely trying to
> > project a false theory that lives would be saved by
> using helmets! .
> x x x
> Folks,
> A two second search of the web revealed the following:
> 1) Bicycling accidents are frequent and unavoidable,
> and head injuries and death are likely to result from
> these accidents.
> 2) Many cyclists have attested that a helmet saved
> their lives and even have battered or broken helmets
> to prove it.
I stopped my search right here when I realised that
> the author above was talking about accidents from
> riding a BICYCLE.
> Would anyone else agree with me that if one is riding
> twice as fast on a motorbike, s/he would need at least
> the same protection a bicyclist requires?
> Mervyn
> Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca

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