
On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, Nagesh Bhatcar wrote:

> Surprisingly, Thomas Friedman has consistently been pro-India. In my
> view, even so called Great Britain has to be stripped off its vetoing
> rights! The US and Britain, go to the UN, only when it suits them! Over
> the past few years, with the Russians not asserting themselves as much,
> the United Nations has become a farce! The 5 permanent members of the
> UN have never truly represented the entire world. One is left to wonder
> as to how long the UN can last, in its present setup.

Friedman's pro-India stance is a new one for him. In the eighties,
Friedman wrote cynically of India, because of course, and no surprise
here, India was solidly behind the Palestinians.

In the last few years, as India cultivates its ties with Israel, it has
been starkly silent on the Palestinian issue. Moreover, it hasn't done
anything to antagonize Israel, like, provide a safe haven for the
Palestinians, or covertly fund them as it did in the past.

So don't be surprised to find Friedman and other apologists for Israel
like Charles Krauthammer and Cal Thomas, to suddenly start writing such
praise for Israel.

I don't think we should be excited by such articles, but rather, disgusted
by such patronizing. What ever India's qualities, they would not have
mattered to people like Friedman, had India been on the wrong side of
their fence.

Tariq Siddiqui
 Rockets Lover!
 Laker Hater !!!

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