
Now is the time.  May be the last chance to avoid war.

The Bush White House has an "opinion" line for you to call. So call and oppose the war 
on Iraq.
The line only accepts calls from 9-5 EST., Monday thru Friday. Just call the White 
House at:


It's a toll call and the line may be busy, but when you get through, a machine will 
detain you for
only a moment.  You can leave a message by pressing "1" or wait for a live operator to 
take your
comment opposing war. It will only take a few minutes and cost you a few cents (far 
less I might
add than if a war breaks out). Note that the weekends are closed for calls. The 
president has said

that he wants to know what the American people are thinking. Let him know. Time is 
running out. 

Please forward to your families, friends.  The war-hawks are well organized and that 
is why their
pro-war stance seems more popular than it actually is.  For those of us who oppose a 
US led war
and actions outside of the UN framework, now it the time to act.

Tell the President what you think!  You can also send an email to 

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